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Title: Community resilience model in segara anakan lagoon
Model resiliensi masyarakat di laguna segara anakan
Authors: Soetarto, Endiatmo
Adrianto, Luky
Purnomo, Agus Heri
Suryawati, Siti Hajar
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Social-Ecological Systems
Segara Anakan
Community Resilience
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Resilience is defined as the capacity of interacting social and ecological systems to absorb disturbance caused by abrupt changes, such that the systems can maintain their structures and essential processes as well as provide feedbacks. Based on such a premise, this research is aimed to assess and to construct scientific understanding of the social-ecological resilience of an important ecosystem currently facing pressures and disturbances, namely the Segara Anakan Lagoon. This research was conducted within the periods of 2008 to 2010, aiming at thorough understanding on the interactions among the existing four subsystems, such that it enables identifications of intervention options required to maximize benefits and minimize problems associated with the existence of the lagoon. Methodological approach used in this research was adapted from Anderies et al’s conceptual framework, wherein the directions of influence of one sub-system on the others are identified to permit assessment of the trend of changes that occur in a particular subsystem as the result of the dynamics that happens in another subsystem. Primary data wich include information on social-ecological systems were collected following the survey approach, using respondents drawn purposively from 17 dusuns of 4 villages in the Segara Anakan Lagoon. Meanwhile, secondary data which consist mainly of previous research results were collected from recorded document and publications available at relevant institutions namely Segara Anakan Management Board (BPKSA), The Sub-district Office and and Village Offices. These data were processed and analyzed following the qualitative approach.In general, the research results showed that the SES in the Segara Anakan Lagoon was constructed by four subsystems: (1) natural resources, which include water area, mangrove forest and land area; (2) the resource users, which include fishermen, farmer and service providers; (3) public infrastructures, which include central government, local goverment and NGO’s; and(4) infrastructure providers, which include water infrastructure, electricity infrastructure, educational infrastructure, health infrastructure and transportation infrastructure. The natural resources subsystem was identified as the most predominant system among the existing subsystems, particularly due to external factor, namely sedimentation attributed to both natural and anthropogenic factors occurring in another system, i.e., the upstream terrestrial system. The process has caused the decrease in the lagoon area, which hence influence social-economic and community aspects, particularly the livelihood of the lagoon inhabitants. Contemporary development of the SES in the Segara Anakan Lagoon shows that pressures from he natural resource subsystem led to social economic and cultural adjustments, which then promotes even bigger pressures on natural resource aspects and vice versa. Following these results, it can be concluded that a number of intervention forms have to be focused on the subsystems of natural resourve and natural resource users, while the two other subsystems should relatively positioned as supporting variables.
Segara Anakan merupakan kawasan laguna atau estuari yang terbentuk dari beberapa ekosistem yang saling berhubungan erat, yang mempunyai potensi ekonomis besar, termasuk potensi perikanan, yang menyumbang produksi ikan dari wilayah pantai dengan nilai lebih dari 62 milyar rupiah/tahun. Fungsi sosial ekonomi seperti itu dimungkinkan oleh keberadaan ekosistem mangrove di wilayah ini, yang mendukung siklus kehidupan ikan, udang, kepiting dan fauna lainnya, seperti burung dan aneka reptil. Bagi satwa-satwa laut tersebut, laguna ini merupakan tempat berkembang biak dan tempat membesar atau berkembangnya anak-anak mereka sebelum pada suatu saat keluar melalui muara laguna ke laut lepas, Samudera Hindia, untuk selanjutnya ditangkap para nelayan. Perkembangan terbaru menunjukkan adanya ancaman yang semakin besar terhadap laguna ini. Sebuah fenomena alam yang mencemaskan sedang terjadi dan ramai dibicarakan, yaitu prediksi akan hilangnya laguna yang kaya manfaat tersebut, karena degradasi lingkungan yang terjadi di Laguna Segara Anakan merupakan sebuah kecenderungan yang tidak dapat dihentikan. Beberapa hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kecepatan pengangkutan sedimen dari Sungai Citanduy mencapai 5 juta m3/tahun sedangkan dari sungai Cikonde serta sungai kecil lainnya mencapai 770.000 m3/tahun. Dengan kecepatan angkutan sedimen dari Cikonde sebesar 770.000 m3/tahun, terjadi laju pengendapan sebesar 260.000 m3/tahun. Dari proses sedimentasi dari sungaisungai tersebut, diperkirakan jumlah sedimen yang mengendap di perairan Segara Anakan adalah sebesar 1 juta m3/tahun.
Appears in Collections:DT - Multidiciplinary Program

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