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dc.contributor.advisorDarusman, Dudung
dc.contributor.advisorNugroho, Bramasto
dc.contributor.advisorWijayanto, Nurheni
dc.contributor.authorPrihadi, Nandang
dc.description.abstractHubungan kemitraan (agency relationship) merupakan suatu bentuk kelembagaan, dimana para pelaku bekerjasama mengkombinasikan faktor produksi yang dimiliki dalam suatu proses produksi. Saling ketergantungan antara para pelaku tersebut menjadi dasar pelaksanaan penelitian kelembagaan kemitraan INPAK bersama rakyat dalam rangka pembangunan hutan (KIBARHUT) di Pulau Jawa. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kelembagaan KIBARHUT yang mempunyai peluang untuk berlangsung secara berkelanjutan. Kelembagaan KIBARHUT dicirikan kesediaan principal mendelegasikan kemampuan investasi membangun hutan ke agents, untuk memproduksi kayu sebagai komoditas yang ditransaksikan dengan didukung pengetahuan dan pemahaman agents terhadap jaminan pasar dari principal. Sampai dengan tahun 2008, realisasi pembangunan hutan (tanaman) KIBARHUT yang dilakukan oleh ketiga INPAK contoh di Pulau Jawa adalah 14.537,12 ha, yang tersebar di 20 kabupaten pada 4 provinsi di Pulau Jawa (Banten, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, dan Jawa Timur). KIBARHUT dilaksanakan di lahan milik (Tipe 1 dan 2) atau lahan negara (Tipe 3) dengan kontrak bersifat non-formal (Tipe 1) atau formal (Tipe 2 dan 3). Pada lahan milik terdapat kepastian (jaminan) hak penggunaan lahan, sehingga terdapat kepastian hak atas kayu hasil panen KIBARHUT yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada lahan negara. Pada kontrak formal terdapat kepastian hukum (hak dan kewajiban, termasuk aturan sanksi dan insentif) yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada kontrak non-formal.en
dc.description.abstractThe research intended to analyze effectiveness of partnership between woodprocessing industries and communities for supporting sustainable development of forest plantations management (KIBARHUT) in Java Island. The research conducted in 3 locations, namely Sukaraja, Bawang, and Krucil on April–October 2008. Up to 2008, 3 industries (INPAK) had been planted 14,537.12 ha of KIBARHUT in 4 provinces of Java Island. KIBARHUT was carried out with land owners (Type 1 and 2) and the proprietors of state property (Type 3), regulated using non-formal (Type 1) and formal contracts (Type 2 and 3). Agency relationship characterized by INPAK (principal) willingness to delegate forest development investment to agents for producing timber, which supported by market warranty and processing capacity of principal’s industry, using the timber harvested from KIBARHUT by agents and supplied to principal. Rights and obligations formally enforced based upon written clausuls on the contracts, as well as involvement of informal institutions (ellite figures of the village) helped to informally enforce the contracts. KIBARHUT resulted financial and economic efficiency on allocating resources (input and output). KIBARHUT also had feasibility of financial and competitive and comparative advantages which simply indicated that log harvested was adequately enough to go to the world market for having export transactions. Efficieny on allocating output of KIBARHUT was supported by strategies carried out by woodprocessing industries (INPAK), namely: (i) creating special organization responsible for marketing purposes (log supplier and cooveratives) which had a link directly to agents; (ii) building business cooperations with sawmill surrounding the location of KIBARHUT; (iii) offering incentives (bonus or premium price per cubic of log) to encourage log supply to INPAK either goes directly to agents or through allied sawmill. The study concluded that sustainability of forest plantations development of KIBARHUT in Java Island should be implemented on the higher bundles of property rights and enforced using the formal contract which had the assurance of rule-in-use.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectagency relationshipen
dc.subjectforest plantation developmenten
dc.subjectJava Islanden
dc.subjectwood-processing industriesen
dc.titleKelembagaan kemitraan industri pengolahan kayu bersama rakyat dalam rangka pembangunan hutan di Pulau Jawaen
dc.titleInstitutional partnership between wood-processing industries and communities on forest development in Java Island
Appears in Collections:DT - Forestry

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