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Title: Pengembangan perkebunan kakao theobroma cacao l. rakyat berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Kolaka Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara : pengelolaan hama penggerek buah kakao Conopomorpha cramerella Snellen (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae)
Development of sustainable of smallholders cocoa plantations in kolaka district south east sulawesi: management of Cocoa Pod Borer (CPB) Conopomorpha cramerella Snellen (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae
Authors: Manuwoto, Syafrida
Sabiham, Supiandi
Kolopaking, Lala M.
Umar, Mazhfia
Keywords: Cocoa plantation
CPB management
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Development of plantations in Kolaka Regency becomes a complex problem, which has the implications in the incidence of pest and disease problems, especially cocoa pod borers (CPB). To overcome these problems, a research was conducted in the cocoa-producing center in Lambandia Sub-district using an exploratory method and experts’ opinions. Description of the current plantation conditions shows that the famers were choice the pesticides on management of Cacao Pod Borer (CPB) in Lambandia Sub District. The famers consider pesticides as a means of the controller in overcoming CPB problems and it has an impact on the sustainability of cocoa plantations. An assessment of the sustainability of the PBK resource management using MDS (Multi Dimensional Scaling) method showed that the social dimension was sufficiently sustainable with a value 58.39%; on the other hand, the dimensions of institution/policy, ecology, economy, and technology/ infrastructure were not sustainable with values of 37.32%, 44.62%, 45.27%, and 46.59% respectively. Thus, CPB management in the sub-district should be improved. CPB management was determined by using a descriptive analysis and SWOT (Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threaths). The strategy priority based on SWOT analysis is to increase knowledge and skills of farmers (1.101) and related officers which is the main priority, followed by the development of adaptive IPM CPB (0.538), empowerment of PHT institution (0.310), quality improvement (0.180), and supply chain efficiency (0.207). The descriptive analysis showed that the CPB management system were the farmers, supplies of production facilities, the market system, and supporting institutional. The organization structure of famers group include the function of production facilities, production, control of CPB, post harvest, marketing, and cooperative. In implementing the PBK management, farmers group is complemented by supporting institutional. Institutional design was made using ISM analysis (Interpretative Structural Modelling). ISM analysis is to identify obstacles faced which include the limited utilization of mutual cooperation values in promoting farmers’ participation, so that the institutional farmers can not run optimally, ineffective role of supporting institution, including the control of policy marker. For that purpose, the activities which can be implemented is the program related to improving of IPM CPB and increasing multiplication and certification of cocoa seeds and the resistant clones of PBK, monitoring the distribution and use of pesticides and fertilizers. The successful implementation of PBK management is measured by the improve of IPM CPB, increase income of farmer, quality life of farmer. The roles of supporting institutional are under the Department of Agriculture, the Government of Regency and Sub-district, and Extention Centre.
Pengembangan perkebunan kakao di Kabupaten Kolaka menghadapi permasalahan yang kompleks sehingga mengancam keberlanjutan perkebunan. Salah satu permasalahan adalah kendala organisme pengganggu. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut, maka penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan pengelolaan organisme pengganggu utama yaitu penggerek buah kakao (PBK) (Conopomorpha cramerella Snellen) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk pengelolaan PBK, kelembagaan yang ada, pengembangannya kedepan didasari prinsip-prinsip pengendalian hama terpadu (PHT) dan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksplorasi dan pendapat pakar. Penilaian kondisi terkini pengelolaan PBK menggunakan pendekatan eksploratif dengan teknik pengamatan langsung, wawancara, observasi, dan interpretasi data sekunder. Penilaian status keberlanjutan dilakukan dengan teknik interpretasi data sekunder didukung oleh wawancara pakar. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS) dalam bentuk Rap-Lambandia. Hasil penilaian status keberlanjutan dilanjutkan dengan perumusan strategi pengelolaan PBK dengan teknik wawancara dan data dianalisis dengan alat analisis Strenghtness, Weakness, Opportunities, Threatness (SWOT). Desain kelembagaan dilakukan dengan cara teknik wawancara pakar. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM). Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa pada saat ini pekebun menempatkan pestisida sebagai bentuk utama pengelolaan PBK. Salah pandang berimplikasi pada keberlanjutan perkebunan kakao ditunjukan oleh nilai status keberlanjutan aspek ekologi, ekonomi, sosial termasuk di dalamnya sub aspek kelembagaan/kebijakan dan teknologi/infrastruktur berturut-turut sebesar 44.62%, 45.27%, 58.39%, 37.32%, dan 46.58%. Artinya pengelolaan PBK yang dilakukan saat ini mengancam keberlanjutan perkebunan. Dengan demikian pengelolaan PBK perlu diperbaiki agar tidak bergantung pada pestisida saja tetapi juga memanfaatkan sumber daya lainnya. Sumber daya pengelolaan PBK yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mencapai perkebunan berkelanjutan adalah limbah kakao, musuh alami, pemanfaatan potensi nilai-nilai sosial dan kepemilikan lahan, serta mengoptimalkan peran kelembagaan pekebun dan kelembagaan penunjang.
Appears in Collections:DT - Multidiciplinary Program

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BAB III Judul 1 Kondisi Terkini Perkebunan Kakau rakyat di Kecamatan Lambandia Kabupaten Kolaka.pdf
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BAB V Judul 3 Strategi Pengelolaan PBK.pdf
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BAB VI Judul 4 Kelembagaan Penunjang Pengelolaan PBK.pdf
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