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Title: Model pengembangan kawasan agropolitan berkelanjutan berbasis peternakan sapi potong terpadu di Kabupaten Situbondo
Model of sustainable agropolitan region development based on animal husbandry at Situbondo
Authors: Sutjahjo, Surjono Hadi
Herison, Catur
Keywords: agropolitan region
animal husbandry
status of sustainability
and dynamic system
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Pembangunan perdesaan khususnya di Wilayah Kabupaten Situbondo yang berbasiskan pertanian dan peternakan harus mulai didorong untuk mengatasi permasalahan pembangunan yang terjadi yang didukung oleh kemampuan pelayanan infrastruktur, pendidikan, sosial, kesehatan, dan lainnya sehingga mampu menggerakkan perekonomian perdesaan dan menciptakan nilai tambah yang dapat dinikmati oleh masyarakat. Pembangunan pertanian harus bersinergi dengan pembangunan wilayah perdesaan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan taraf kehidupan sosial dan ekonomi masyarakat. Dalam mencapai tujuan tersebut, pengembangan kawasan potensial dengan basis perdesaan sebagai pusat pertumbuhan akan menstranformasikan perdesaan menjadi kota-kota pertanian atau dikenal dengan pengembangan kawasan agropolitan merupakan salah satu pilihan strategis yang tepat.
Rural development for Situbondo Region which based on agriculture and animal husbandry is Agropolitan Region based on animal husbandry. The purposes of this research were (1) to identify the potency, development level, and sustainability of The Situbondo Region. 2) to develop a model of sustainable agropolitan region based on animal husbandry; and 3) to formulate policy direction and strategy of agropolitan development. Research conducted at some areas of the ranch based in Situbondo, namely: Asembagus, Jangkar, Arjasa, Kapongan, and Mangaran. Types of data analysis applied in this study were location quotient (LQ) analysis, analysis of superior and leading commodity, the analysis of farming, analysis of area typology, principle component analysis (PCA), cluster analysis, scalogram analysis, and analysis of centrality, multidimensional scaling (MDS), prospective analysis, and dynamic system analysis. The results showed that Situbondo Region had some bases commodities on farm such as: beef cattle, sheep, goats, and ducks. Cattle production (fattening) as a leading commodity gives highest profit for farmer (Rp 4 250 000,-/head/year). Situbondo Region also constitutes Pre-Agropolitan II category; including 4 villages at advanced level, 17 villages at medium level and 21 villages at low level of growth development. From the sustainability analysis which analysed 73 attributes only 24 attributes are sensitive to the value of sustainability index based on farms area. Considering status of eco-dimensional (46.50%), technology of infrastructure (45.48%), and institutional (47.46%) showed the status of less sustainable, whereas the economic dimensions (69.53%) and socio-cultural (55.14%) showed quite sustainable condition. Focussed on repairing these sensitive attributes that affected sustainability, it can improves the sustainability status for future scenarios. With dynamic system analysis, we can find out that up to 2025, the population patterns tends to grow positively and exponentially, while agropolitan productions and farming profits have the same patterns until at one point, will moves to an equilibrium point (stable conditions) because of the “limit to growth” processes (archetype). Therefore, optimistic scenarios with great intervention on one or more affected variables need to apply to increase the model performance. Finally, Situbondo development policies should based on The County Farm by forming Village Growth Center and hinterland completed with facilities and infrastructures, actuation commodity diversification and home industries breeders, improvement production through extensification and intensification, fostering economic and social institutions, entwining partnership between stakeholders, and capability improvement of human resources especially for the breeders.
Appears in Collections:DT - Multidiciplinary Program

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BAB V Identifikasi Potensi Wilayah Kabupaten Situbondo.pdf
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BAB VI Tingkat perkembangan Wilayah Berbasis Peternakan di Kabupaten Situbondo.pdf
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BAB VII Status Keberlanjutan Wilayah Berbasis Peternakan di Kabupaten Situbondo.pdf
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BAB VIII Sistem Kawasan Peternakan Sapi Potong Terpadu di Kabupaten Situbondo.pdf
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