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Title: Bioekologi spesies anopheles di Lampung Selatan dan Pesawaran : keragaman, karakteristik habitat, kepadatan, perilaku dan distribusi spasial
Bioecology of anopheles species in South Lampung and Pesawaran Districts : diversity, habitat characteristics, density, behaviour and spatial distribution
Authors: Hadi, Upik Kesumawati
Sigit, Singgih H.
Sukowati, Supratman
Keywords: Anopheles
spatial distribution
South Lampung and Pesawaran
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Kabupaten Lampung Selatan dan Pesawaran merupakan daerah endemis malaria dengan angka AMI tahun 2009 sebesar 2,84 000 dan 12,48 000. Pengendalian malaria dengan upaya memutuskan mata rantai penularan masih efektif untuk dilaksanakan. Oleh karena itu pemahaman bioekologi spesies Anopheles penting dipelajari sebagai dasar pengendalian vektor malaria. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati bioekologi spesies Anopheles di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan dan Pesawaran, meliputi keragaman, karakteristik habitat perkembangbiakan, kepadatan, perilaku dan distribusi spasial. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan dan Pesawaran, tepatnya di Kecamatan Rajabasa dan Padangcermin. Penelitian dilaksanakan selama satu tahun, mulai Agustus 2008 sampai dengan September 2009. Larva dikoleksi menggunakan cidukan plastik standar WHO pada semua jenis perairan. Karakteristik habitat larva Anopheles yang diamati meliputi jenis habitat, luasan, ketinggian, kedalaman, dasar habitat, salinitas air, suhu air, pH air, arus air, jenis-jenis gulma air, tinggi gulma air dan kerapatan gulma air. Nyamuk dikoleksi pada malam dan pagi hari. Koleksi nyamuk malam hari dilakukan dengan metode HLC pada jam 18.00-06.00, sedangkan pagi hari dilakukan koleksi nyamuk yang istirahat pada jam 06.00-09.00. Nyamuk Anopheles yang unfed dilakukan pembedahan abdomen untuk melihat status paritas. Kepala dan toraks nyamuk dilakukan pemeriksaan circumsporozoite protein dengan metode ELISA untuk menentukan status vektor. Titik koordinat larva dan nyamuk Anopheles dicatat berdasarkan alat GPS. Data sekunder yang dikumpulkan adalah data cuaca dan kasus malaria.
Malaria is one of a public health problem in Indonesia, causing morbidity and mortality as well as outbreak in remote areas. South Lampung and Pesawaran were medium malaria areas, with annual parasite incidence in 2009 were 2,84000 and 12,48 000 consequently. Vector control remains the most effective measure to prevent malaria transmission. The understanding of bioecology vector species is very important to formulate vector control strategies. The study of Anopheles mosquito in South Lampung and Pesawaran Districts were carried out on August 2008 to September 2009. Larval species were sampled in all water bodies by dipper according to WHO standard. Anopheline species were collected by human landing and resting collections to study population dynamics and biting activities. Diversity of larva was analyzed by Shannon-Wiener index and T test. The correlation of weather with anopheline density, and anopheline density with malaria cases were analysed by Correlation Pearson test. Mapping of mosquito used GPS and analyzed by Arc view program. There was heterogeneity of diversity larva among land use. Twelve species were found, there were 11 species at Rajabasa and 10 species at Padangcermin, e.g. A. sundaicus, A. barbirostris, A. annularis, A. minimus, A. kochi, A. aconitus, A. tessellatus, A. vagus, A. subpictus, A. indefinitus, A. maculatus and A. hyrcanus group. The A. sundaicus was the predominant species in both study areas. Thirteen habitats were found, there were 10 at Rajabasa and 11 at Padangcermin, e.g. unproductive fish pounds, unproductive hatchery, lagoon, swamp, ditches, river, paddy field, irrigation channel, ground pool, mud-hole, puddle and water container. The predominant habitats of A. sundaicus were unproductive hatcheries at Rajabasa and unproductive fish pounds at Padangcermin. The population density of A. sundaicus was fluctuated every month, and the peak occurred on November at Rajabasa and on Desember at Padangcermin. The biting activities of A. sundaicus was fluctuated every hour, and the peak occurred at 03.00-04.00 AM at Rajabasa, and 02.00-03.00 AM at Padangcermin, the outdoor man hour density (MHD) higher than indoor. Anopheles sundaicus proved as malaria vector, the circumsporozoite rate were 0,022 at Rajabasa and 0,003 at Padangcermin. The relative humidity and rain fall have positive correlation with A. sundaicus density.
Appears in Collections:DT - Veterinary Science

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