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Title: Analysis characteristic agroecology of agroforestry system in Cianjur watershed
Kajian agroekologi sistem agroforestri di daerah aliran sungai Cianjur
Authors: Chozin, Muhamad Achmad
Arifin, Hadi Susilo
Santosa, Edi
Pranoto, Hadi
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
social economic
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: A research was conducted to analyze agroecologycal characteristic of agroforestry system in Cianjur Watershed landscape. Observation and interviews were held to 30 samples of agroforestry field and respondents in the upper stream, the middle stream and the down stream of Cianjur Watershed, respectively. The results showed, that the communities in the three zones of Cianjur Watershed have been conducting agroforestry practice in order to manage their dry land. It’s found the differences characteristic of agroforestry system between the upper stream and the down stream. In the upper stream, agroforestry practices were found in a forest garden. This area is the buffer zone of Gede Pangrango Mountain. In the upper stream, the number of trees found 5 species and 12 species of plants. In the middle stream area, agroforestry practices were found in community lands and the tea estate plantation. In the community lands the number of trees found 20 species and 12 species of plant. In the down stream area, agroforestry were practiced in community lands and the flat area. The number of trees is 23 species and 11 species of plants. The middle stream agroforestry system characteristic was known as a transition condition between the upper and the down streams. The characteristic of biophisic and agroclimate have affected to total individual number and species of trees and cash crop. Planting index of cash crops is 2.93, 2.53 and 1.43 in the upper, middle and down stream, respectively. The average annual income from cash crops in the three zones are 15.866.250, 4.771.643 and 735.918 (IDR/ha/yr) from the upper, the middle to the down streams, respectively. The productivity of cash crops in the three zones of Cianjur watershed area, in the generally also lower than the potential yield and data from Cianjur Agriculture Official 2009. Furthermore, the dominant cash crops in the upper stream are carrot, cabbage, tomato, scallion, mustard and chili. In the middle stream are corn, chili, tomato, carrot, and mustard, and than in the down stream are corn, chili, tomato and cassava.The aspects of sustainability can be seen from the B/C ratio, where B/C ratio in the three zones of watersheds Cianjur worth more than 1. The B/C ratio in the upper stream 1:09, in the middle stream 2.89 and the downstream 1:02. The sustainability of agroforestry systems in every zone, was defined for aspects of productivity, economic, social and culture and ecologycal. For the aspect of environmental sustainability, in the upper stream more lower than in the middle and the down stream.The aspects of the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, in the downstream is lowest of use of fertilizers and chemical pesticides for the management of agroforestry systems. There are differences of sustainability indexs in the three zones area in ianjur watershed. The average of indexs sustainability is 12.12 (moderat suatainability).in scale 11-15
Sistem agroforestri untuk pengelolaan lahan kering pada kawasan Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) diyakini oleh beberapa peneliti mampu menjaga kelestarian lingkungan dan mempunyai manfaat dari segi keragaman jenis (biodiversity), unsur hara, sifat fisik tanah serta meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat. Daerah Aliran Sungai yang berdasarkan tempatnya meliputi kawasan dari hulu sampai ke hilir, secara umum memiliki keragaman agroekologi yang disebabkan oleh perbedaan ketinggian tempat. Perbedaan wilayah yang ditentukan berdasarkan ketinggian tempat ini sering dianggap sebagai zona DAS. Masyarakat di wilayah DAS Cianjur secara umum memanfaatkan lahan keringnya dengan sistem agroforestri. Sistem agroforestri di daerah ini berupa pekarangan (home gardens), kebun campuran (mixed gardens) dan kebun hutan (forest gardens). Sistem agroforestri ini berlangsung sudah cukup lama dan sudah menjadi budaya masyarakat secara turun-temurun. Pengelolaan lahan dengan sistem agroforestri sebagai suatu sistem tersebut dipengaruhi oleh kondisi zona agroekologi yang berarti bahwa keadaan topografi dan iklim yang berbeda akan memberi pengaruh yang berbeda terhadap pola pengelolaan sistem agroforestri sebagai sistem pertaniannya. Serangkaian penelitian dilakukan untuk menganalisis karakteristik sistem agroforestri berdasarkan kajian agroekologi di tiga zona DAS Cianjur yang dikhususkan dengan tujuan 1) analisis biofisik dan agroklimat sistem agroforestri di tiga zona DAS Cianjur, 2) analisis pola tanam dan produktivitas tanaman semusim pada sistem agroforestri di DAS Cianjur dan 3) analisis sosial ekonomi dan keberlanjutan sistem agroforestri di DAS Cianjur. Penelitian dilaksanakan sejak Bulan Agustus 2007 sampai dengan Desember 2008 di tiga zona Daerah Aliran Sungai Cianjur Kabupaten Cianjur Propinsi Jawa Barat. Secara geografis zona hulu terletak pada S 60 46’ 23” – 60 47’ 15” ; E 1060 59’ 7” – 1070 3’ 16” pada ketinggian > 900 m dpl, tengah 107003` 11” - 107005` 08” BT dan 6048` 14” LS (300-900 m dpl), dan hilir 107003` 11” - 107005` 08” BT dan 6048` 14” LS pada ±300 m dpl.
Appears in Collections:DT - Agriculture

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