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Title: Effect of intravenous poly-unsaturated fatty acids administration on gastric mucosal integrity in pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) with obstructive jaundice
Efek pemberian Poly-Unsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA) intravena terhadap integritas mukosa lambung pada beruk (Macaca nemestrina) dengan ikterus obstruktif
Authors: Sajuthi, Dondin
Hardjodisastro, Daldiyono
Winarto, Adi
Sulistiawati, Erni
Makmun, Dadang
Keywords: acute mucosal gastric injury
intravenous PUFA administration
obstructive jaundice
pig-tailed macaques
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Acute gastric mucosal injury commonly occurs in patients with obstructive jaundice. Some proposed pathogenic mechanism of acute mucosal gastric injury in obstructive jaundice has been reported. We studied the effect of intravenous poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) administration on gastric mucosal integrity in pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) with obstructive jaundice by ligating common bile duct (CBD). In this study, eight selected male pig-tailed macaques with the body weight between 5,5-7,5 kg (with the average of 6,625±0,83 kg) were used and divided randomly into two groups. In both groups, laboratory examination (including liver function tests, lipid profile, prothrombine time, gastric mucosal level of lipid peroxide and glutathione) and upper gastrointestinal endoscopy were performed before CBD ligation and every two weeks after ligation. In the first group intravenous PUFA with the dose of 2 g/day was administered every day since four weeks post ligation up to four weeks later, and in the second group intravenous PUFA was administered since before ligation up to eight weeks later. In both groups, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, indirect bilirubin, SGOT, SGPT, alkaline phosphatase, GGT, globulin, total cholesterol and trigliseride were clearly increased, meanwhile albumin level were clearly decreased. Cholinesterase, prothrombine time and gastric mucosa level of lipid peroxide and glutathione in both groups were not changed. Ulcer formation occured among the first group during four weeks after CBD ligation, and these ulcers were clearly healed within four weeks after intravenous PUFA administration. Among the second group, there was no significant ulcer formation within eight weeks after CBD ligation. In conclusion, the potential appearance of acute gastric mucosal injury which reflected by gastric ulcer formation was significantly decreased by intravenous PUFA administration in pig-tailed macaques with obstructive jaundice. We also have developed animal model of obstructive jaundice successfully by CBD ligation, based on the result of liver function and lipid profile tests.
Appears in Collections:DT - Multidiciplinary Program

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