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Title: The Development Design of Sustainable Perennial Horticulture in Upper Ciliwung Watershed
Authors: Hardjomidjojo, Hartrisari
Irianto, Sumardjo Gatot
Pramudya, Bambang
Wibawa, Winny Dian
Keywords: perennial horticulture
land use change
comparative performance index
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Hydrological condition of upper Ciliwung watershed is critical due to rapid decrease of the forest and perennial vegetation area which has a main function to regulate water especially to catch and deliver rainfalls into the soil as part of hydrological cycle. To improve hydrological condition of upper watershed as a catchment area it is necessary to develop perennial vegetation which are economically beneficial, environmentally friendly as well as socially accepted by the community. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to develop sustainable land development design based on perennial horticulture in the Upper Ciliwung Watershed, with special objectives : 1) to identify existing perennial horticulture, 2) to analyse perennial horticulture economically beneficial, environmentally friendly and socially accepted, 3) to develop recommendation of perennial horticulture development in upper Ciliwung watershed. Land suitability was identified by automated land evaluation and suitability (ALES) method, meanwhile selection of existing perennial horticulture was identified by using comparative performance index (CPI) method. Financial analysis was conducted by using benefit cost ratio (B/C), internal rate of return (IRR), and net present value (NPV). Recommendation zones of development were identified by combination method of land suitability, the number and distribution of selected perennial horticulture commodities in every land units as well as limitation of maximum 3 commodities to develop for each land unit. This research has identified and delineated land units, 30 land units above 700 m and 21 land units below 700 m. Existing 24 perennial horticultures and their distribution have been identified and predicted. Ten of 24 commodities were identified and selected such as jack fruit, longan , durian, Gnetum gnemon, mango, avocado,rambutan, Mangifera odorata, Parkia sp, Pithecellobium. Combination of land suitability, the number and distribution of selected perennial horticulture commodities in every land units as well as limitation of maximum 3 commodities to develop for each land unit has been used to recommend the development of perennial horticulture in every land unit. Jack fruit, avocado and longan are dominant crops recommended as a general commodities to develop. Longan indicates the highest NPV (Rp. 42.278.400,-), meanwhile Pithecellobium is the lowest (Rp. 26.938.218 ,-). Combination of avocado-jack fruit-longan indicates the highest NPV (Rp. 38.779.187,-). Recommendation based on zones of development as well as villages have been developed as a guidance for practical implementation. In term of sustainability, land allocation for perennial horticulture is relatively small (24%), however it has been optimally utilized which contribute high NPV. There are positive correlation between areal of perennial horticulture and farmer’s iii intention as well as farmer’s intention and knowledge of farmers on perennial horticulture
Appears in Collections:DT - Multidiciplinary Program

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