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Title: Analisis daya saing, keterkaitan dan sumber-sumber pertumbuhan industry agro Indonesia
Analysis of competitiveness, linkages and source of growth of agro-based industry in indonesia
Authors: Daryanto, Arief
Joewono, Handito Hadi
Keywords: competitiveness
sources of growth
agro-based industry
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: World trade liberalization triggered the importance of increasing the competitiveness of Indonesian products in global market. The competitiveness of Indonesian products, especially the ones from agro-based industry, and its linkage to the upstream and downstream sectors need to be analyzed and understood. At the end, growth factors need to be formulated by doing comparison to other countries’ agro-based industry. The objective of this study was held in order to analyze the competitiveness position of agro-based industry sector in Indonesia by analysing input-output in Asia’s countries, especially between Indonesia, Thailand, and China. Specifically, the purpose of this study were : (1) measuring the change of agro-based industry competitiveness in Indonesia, Thailand, and China, (2) analysing the linkage between agro-based industry sector in Indonesia with the economy of Thailand and China, and (3) calculating and analysing structural growth factors of agro-based industry sector in Indonesia, Thailand, and China. The analysis in this study used multilateral I-O model and data from Asian I-O Table, 1995 and 2000 to get the competitiveness score through IIC (Index of International Competitiveness) and IDC (Index of Domestic Competitiveness), inter-country linkages, key sector and sources of growth through structural decomposition. Findings from this study are : (1) competitiveness of Indonesia agro-based industry sector had declined from 1995 to 2000, especially for domestic competitiveness, (2) Indonesia agro-based industry sector has a linkage to Thailand and China, (3) Indonesia has no primary source of growth in agro-based industry that could be used in the future development. Structural growth factor in agro-based industry sector in Indonesia do not have a pattern, while Thailand was supported by technological change factor, and China was supported by export expansion factor. Based on the above findings, this study come to some recommendations to increase Indonesia agro-based industry competitiveness as follows : (1) Developing agro-based industry as a key economic sector, (2) Increasing productivity, (3) Strengthening domestic competitiveness, (4) Increasing marketing-based competitiveness, and (5) Developing technology-based economy.
Semakin liberalnya perdagangan dunia akan menuntut peningkatan daya saing produk Indonesia di pasar global. Kemampuan bersaing produk Indonesia khususnya yang dihasilkan dari industri agro perlu dianalisis, dipahami keterkaitannya dengan sektor hulu dan hilir serta perlu dirumuskan sumber-sumber pertumbuhan dengan melakukan komparasi terhadap industri agro negara-negara lain. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis posisi daya saing industri agro Indonesia melalui analisis input-output antar negara di Asia, khususnya antara Indonesia, Thailand dan China. Secara spesifik, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) mengukur perubahan daya saing industri agro Indonesia, Thailand dan China, (2) menganalisis keterkaitan sektor industri agro Indonesia dengan perekonomian negara Thailand dan China, dan (3) menghitung dan menganalisis faktor-faktor pertumbuhan struktural sektor industri agro negara Indonesia, Thailand dan China.
Appears in Collections:DT - Economic and Management

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