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dc.contributor.advisorPrasetyo, Lilik Budi
dc.contributor.advisorMardiastuti, Ani
dc.contributor.advisorKartono, Agus P.
dc.contributor.authorGunawan, Hendra
dc.description.abstractMacan tutul jawa (Panthera pardus melas Cuvier, 1809) merupakan satwa yang dilindungi dan telah masuk dalam Redlist IUCN dengan kategori Critically Endangered serta termasuk dalam Appendix I CITES. Macan tutul Jawa hanya ditemukan di Pulau Jawa, Pulau Kangean, Pulau Nusakambangan dan Pulau Sempu. Di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, macan tutul Jawa sedang mengalami kehilangan habitat, degradasi kualitas habitat dan fragmentasi habitat sehingga populasinya terancam punah. Padahal setelah harimau jawa (Panthera tigris sondaica) punah, macan tutul jawa menduduki puncak rantai makanan (trophic level), sehingga merupakan spesies kunci (keystone species) dalam ekosistem hutan di Pulau Jawa. Tujuan umum penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik habitat dan penyebaran macan tutul jawa di lansekap yang terfragmentasi di Jawa Tengah. Tujuan khususnya adalah : (a) memetakan penyebaran populasi macan tutul jawa berdasarkan indikator-indikator keberadaannya dan mengetahui indeks seleksi tipetipe hutan yang menjadi daerah penyebarannya; (b) mengidentifikasi karakteristik habitat macan tutul jawa terutama untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor atau komponen habitat yang berpengaruh pada keberadaan satwa tersebut di suatu lokasi; (c) mengetahui tingkat fragmentasi hutan alam melalui pengukuran beberapa parameternya dan memelajari pengaruhnya terhadap sebaran macan tutul jawa; dan (d) membuat pemodelan spasial kesesuaian habitat macan tutul jawaen
dc.description.abstractJavan leopard (Panthera pardus melas Cuvier, 1809) is limited distributed in Java Island. Its population is continually decreasing so it listed in Red list by the IUCN as critically endangered species. The decrease was mainly caused by fragmentation and degradation of forest. The objectives of this research are to map the distribution, to identify the metapopulation types and habitat characteristics, to measure the fragmentation of natural forest and to build a spatial model of habitat suitability. The Methods were included GPS mapping of population, metapopulation analyses, habitat analyses, fragmentation analyses using patch analyst and spatial modeling of habitat suitability using Arcview 3.2. The results found that there are 48 locations of javan leopards that distributed in five types of forest, i.e. pines plantation (43,8%), teak plantation (27,1%), natural mountain forest (14,5%), mixed plantation forest (8,3%) and natural lowland forest (6,3%). Javan leopard have preference to certain type of forest (P≤0,05). Total population estimation of the javan leopard in Central Java was 234-383 individuals. There are eight components that crucial for habitat of javan leopard and relevant for spatial modeling of habitat suitability, i.e. patch extent, prey, forest vegetation, climate, water, topography, altitude and status of forest. Fragmentation in the last 16 years has reduced 88,0% of total natural forest area in central Java and fluctuate the number of patches, total edge and edge density. Javan leopards are distributed in non-equilibrium metapopulation (31,25%), mainland-islands metapopulation (22,92%), classic metapopulation (10,42%) and patchy metapopulation (35,42%). Spatial model of habitat suitability result 7,67% patches of low suitability, 36,92% patches of moderate suitability and 55,41% patches of high suitability. The validity of the model is 95,83%. Keywords: habitat, distribution, leopard, fragmentation, metapopulation, suitabilityen
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleHabitat dan penyebaran macan tutul jawa (Panthera pardus melas Cuvier 1809) di Lansekap Terfragmentasi di Jawa Tengahid
dc.titleHabitat and distribution of javan leopard (Panthera pardus melas Cuvier, 1809) on Fragmented Landscape in Centra Javaen
Appears in Collections:DT - Forestry

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