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Title: Kebijakan pengelolaan sumberdaya perikanan Provinsi Bengkulu
Policy on Bengkulu Province's fisheries resources management
Authors: Monintja, Daniel
Dahuri, Rokhmin
Kusumastanto, Tridoyo
Budiharsono, Sugeng
Nusir, Syahrowi R.
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Input-output analysis
fisheries contribution
fisheries management e policy
Bengkulu Province
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Bengkulu Province's coastal resources management plays strategic and important role to region's social and economic development, particularly in @ upporting income increase of its coastal community. :I: The objectives of this research are (1) to study economic contribution of ~ fi sheries sector to Province's Regional Gross Domestic Product (RGDP); (2) to !:!. analyze a newly approach in supporting income increase of the coastal community; ; (3) to fonnulate and recommend a sustainable fisheries management policy, 3 especially in coastal fisheries. To achieve those objectives, relationship between ~ fi sheries sector perfonnance and provincial economic development will be analyzed =c using Input-output Table of Bengkulu Province using field survey data collected ~ from 578 respondents from this region. Action plan details are discussed using .~. Logical Framework Analyses (LFA) approach and policy impact simulations . .~. Results from the analysis show that the total demands for goods and services, "'C49.05% (in 2002) and 49,50% (in 2006) were used to meet domestic end-consumers ~ demand and only 15.82% (in 2002) and 16,95% (in 2006) were utilized for export. ~. This result indicates slow economic activity movement, pal1icularly in industrial ~ sector. The domestic production has been able to provide 87.69% (in 2002) and g' 86,81% (in 2006) of the total demand while the rest, 12.31% (in 2002) and 13,19% cg (in 2006), must be imported, an indication of low dependency of provincial economy .::!..with respect to external sectors. Compared to its potency, the fisheries seClQr contribution to provincial economy has not been significant. This sector contributed only 4.41 % (in 2002) and 5,57% (in 2006) of the RGDP. This result indicates that fisheries sector in broader perspective (both upstream and downstream) in this province has not been optimally managed. Both backward and forward linkage values of capture fisheries and the degree of sensitivity are higher than those of aquaculture which mean, compared with aquaculture, capture fisheries has greater power in generating economic output. Based on simulation, increasing 30% of local expenditure for support of ~rotected and conservation resources development area is the best option to increase o fisheries sector contribution to Bengkulu Province's economic growth. While <C increasing 80% of local expenditure on human resources development through o education sectors will yield optimum impact on Bengkulu's economic perfonnance, );.wi-th-lower--ee010gieal--impaet.
Pengelolaan sumberdaya perikanan Provinsi Bengkulu memiliki peran yang penting dan strategis dalam pembangunan sosial dan ekonomi daerah ini, terutama dalam menunjang peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat, namun, walaupun telah (Q1anyak bantuan pembinaan yang dilakukan berbagai pihak, sebagian masyarakatnya ~ masih dibelit kemiskinan berkepanjangan, dengan tingkat pendapatan yang terendah ~ dibandingkan kelompok masyarakat produsen lainnya. Berdasarkan hal terse but, ~. penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan : 1) Menganalisis kebijakan pengelolaan iii perikanan di Provinsi Bengkulu; 2) Menganalisis rancangan strategi dan langkah ~implementasi strategi, dalam rangka menunjang peningkatan pendapatan dan ~ pengentasan kemiskinan masyarakat pesisir Provinsi Bengkulu; 3) Merumuskan dan ~ merekomendasikan kebijakan daerah dalam pengelolaan perikanan secara -:::: berkelanjutan di Provinsi Bengkulu
Appears in Collections:DT - Fisheries

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BAB VI Analisis Kebijakan Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Perikanan....pdf
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