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Title: Deteksi Marka Genetik yang Terpaut dengan Komponen Produksi Lateks pada Tanaman Karet (Hevea Brasiliensis Muell Arg.) mela1ui Pemetaan QTL
Detection of linkage between genetic markers and latex yield component of rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis Muell Arg.) through QTL Mapping.
Authors: Jusuf, Muhammad
Wattimena, G.A
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Rubber breeding program so far have constraint especially in selection process needed very wide area and very long time. Using moleculer markers in br~ng program could simplify the selection procedure and accelerate in getting neW¥ superior clones. The objectives of this research are: (1) to get the ch~cteristic data of yield components of two rubber populations (PB 260 x PN), (2) ~ analyse the segregation of RAPD markers and some morphology characters and}> estimate genotipe of male parent and female parent for each characters or mar§ers, (3) to evaluate the genetic variability intra and inter population of two firs@eneration population (PB 260 x PN), (4) to get the linkage map, especially for I6B 260 (female parent) and identification of QTL; to get RAPD markers and morfhology markers which associated with QTL controlling production cOrrfonent. ~ The result of correlation analysis, path analysis and stepwise regression shoWn that number of latex vessel and plugging index have greater effect in deteinining yield of latex on A population, while stem girth and plugging index for e population. The result of RAPD analysis for PB 260 female parent and PN 711 f· male parent shown 38 polymorphic primer of 80 decamer random primers scre~ned. Using 25 polymorphic primers on A population progenies yielded · 94 loc~: 50 polymorphic (PB 260:::;34, PN 7111 :::;16) and 44 monomorphic. Based on Chi ~quare test (P>0.05), locus which have segregation ratio 1: 1 were 20 locus for PB 260 and 10 locus for PN 7111. Using 24 polymorphic primers for C population progenies yielded 91 locus: 19 locus segregated 1: 1 for PB 260. The combined population of A and C yielded 15 locus for PB 260. The observed progenies also showed segregation of some simple morphology characters. The result of segregation analysis for RAPD markers and some simple morphology characters was known that female and male parents have heterozygosity higly. High heterozygosity level for parent plant is needed in breedding program especially for selection process. Based on genetic variability analysis by cluster analysis and principal component analysis showed the existence of genetic variability in the first:trneration progenies of A and C populations. o Construction of linkage map was conducted by using software ~ M~MAKERJEXP 3.0. Linkage map of PB 260 on LOD 3.0 was only yielded 1 g lin~ge group. Otherwise, it was yielded 3 lingkage group of PB 260 on LOD 1.5 ·_·_·_····i · -....... -........ -~a:~~n~;::~;::~:~:_S~r~~~i~rnAda::d-~:~:~k~:~.o~ha:~~:~<i:~~~·-·-··-··--··-··-·-·--·-I· c: 71 fQ-can only be constructed on LOD 1.5 and was yielded 1 lingkage group. I § MaPJlng QTL was conducted by single marker analysis through t-test, and was I 0" kndWn that marker C13-2000 linked with variable rubber production and number I ;:r of lp:I.'ex vessel. Leaf shape character linkage with girth, bark thickness, and number I of ~tex vessel characters. Leaf edge character linkage with plugging index I chaakter.
Upaya pemuliaan karet untuk mendapatkan klon-klon unggul barn :3::l :ga- :~a- °c ccS: mempunyai kendala karena tanaman k aret merup ak an tanaman tahunan se hm' gga (I) ~ ~ ~ C ~rlukan waktu seleksi yang sangat lama dan areal seleksi yang luas. Proses -5"Og:!!!..::s ~ ~ .0 5i ~ s ksi dalam pemuliaan karet biasanya dilakukan pada populasi turunan pertama g- g. g §. cS h~il suatu persilangan. Kemajuan teknik marka molekuler dapat dimanfaatkan :::l cg "0 :a- I -,;" '8 :::l ~ ° c d®,gan mengintegrasikannya dengan teknik pemuliaan konvensional, sehingga :a-'C 0.-< ::s ..... ° c: ° a. d1' 1 arapkan akan membantu dan mempermudah dalam proses seleksi dan (I) :::l _ ...... 0 g- cO g- ~ cS ~mpercepat perolehan klon unggul barn dengan sifat yang diinginkan. '°9. ~~' ",:O::l :_i". :;: Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) mendapatkan data karakteristik komponen hasil a:::l °;a 1(I6) .g.... la"~ ks pada dua populasi turunan pertama (PB 260 x PN): mendapatkan peubahg !D ~"8 p~bah yang mempunyai pengaruh langsung yang besar terhadap produksi karet, IS g 3 C ' (I) (7=r menganalisis segregasi marka RAPD dan karakter morfologi serta menduga ., "O:::l C7i §. ~ g g$otipe tetua untuk masing-masing sifat atau marka, (3) mempelajari keragaman g ~ 2" geitetik antar tanaman turunan pertama hasil persilangan PB 260 dengan PN, dan ~ g ~ (Lij' memperoleh peta pautan genetik tanaman karet dari populasi turunan pertama £. Q:::l seSta mendapatkan marka RAPD yang berasosiasi dengan karakter komponen ;;;. '8 g- ::::I . 2: :.: :::l prgduksi tinggi. g- ~. ~ ~ Hasil uji korelasi menunjukkan bahwa karakter lilit batang, tebal kulit, [ .:::r ~ j~lah pembuluh lateks dan indeks penyumbatan berkorelasi secara nyata dengan 0" ~ ~ p~duksi pada populasi A (PB 260 x PN 7111), sedangkan pada populasi C (PB ~ ~ ~ 26'0 x PN 7) karakter lilit batang, jumlah pembuluh lateks, diameter pembuluh ~ 5 c: lateks dan indeks penyumbatan berkorelasi secara nyata dengan produksi. Hasil ~ ~ ~ analisis lintas dan regresi bertatar menunjukkan bahwa peubah jumlah pembuluh .§.... "a8 ~ lateks dan indeks penyumbatan mempunyai pengaruh langsung paling besar dalam g.? menentukan produksi karet pada populasi A, dan peubah lilit batang dan indeks "8 ~ penyumbatan mempunyai pengarnh langsung paling besar terhadap produksi karet ~:::. pada populasi C. Tanaman lA, 5A merupakan tanaman yang berproduksi paling Q U :::l tinggi pada populasi A dan tanaman 16 C pada populasi C.
Appears in Collections:DT - Mathematics and Natural Science

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BAB II Tinjauan Pustaka.pdf
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BAB IV Analisis Segregasi Marka RAPD dan....pdf
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BAB V Analisis Keragaman Genetik Dua Populasi....pdf
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BAB VI Konstruksi Peta Pautan Genetik Karet dan....pdf
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