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Title: Rancang bangun sistem intelijen bisnis untuk agroindustri teri nasi (Stolephorus spp.) kualitas eskpor berskala usaha menengah
Business intelligent system development for small and mediwn scale agro industry of export quality baby anchovy (Stolephorus Spp.)
Authors: Pawitra, Teddy
Sa'id, E. Gumbira
Haluan, John
Goenawan, D. Agus
Keywords: business intelligence system
baby anchovy
fuzzy logic
case based
analytical hierarchy process
artificial neural network
expert system
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: The objective of this study was to provide a model of Business Intelligence System (BIS) for mediwn scale agro industry of export quality baby anchovy that able to extract external information, anticipate business environment changes, and make appropriate and effective business decisions. The development of Business Intelligence System used system approach, combined with Business Intelligence Roadmap (Moss & Atre 2003). This model, called SIBITEX, has ability to process internal and external data as well as providing intelligence analysis to anticipate the competitor's actions. Specific system techniques like fuzzy logic, Case Based Reasoning, and Artificial Neural Network were used in this study. The SIBITEX model consisted of the Business Transaction modul that managed all buying and selling transactions, and six business intelligence functions. The Forecasting model used to predict raw material requirement and finished goods sold for the next period. In Financial Feasibility model, management can determine feasibility of a project based on NPV, IRR, PBP, and BIC Ratio. The AHP technique used in Limited Raw Material model gave the priority action for management when supplies of anchovy was limited. The Business Case Solution model used CBR based on solved business cases. Using ANN, the Competitor's Action Anticipatory model could predict any impact of competitor's action. Using expert system method, the Business Competition Analysis model could simulate business decision options to help managers to win the business competition. The Fourier analysis was the proper technique in predicting raw materials supply and finished goods demand. Agro industry investment with time projection of eight years and processing capacity for 1.680 ton per year is feasible. The Limited Raw Material showed that 'maintain relationship with suppliers' is the preferable purchasing decision. The knowledge base of the Business Case Solution model was used to build an expert system that could solve business cases more effective. The Competitor Action Anticipatory model for the baby anchovy agro industry has eight variables for input layer, three variables for output layer, and will give reasonable prediction when the hidden layer consists of 13 variables, normalization data between -1 and 0, or between 0 and 1, and use the Sigmoid Bipolar as activation function for the hidden and output layer. This model gave the determination coefficient of about 80% and MSE less than 1.5%. Validation through face validity (expert's judgment) showed SIBITEX could give effective decisions and advices for management to win the business competitions.
Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi dan telekomunikasi, menyebabkan inf@asi bisnis tersedia secara cepat dan banyak. Hal ini membuat para pengambil keptmIsan sulit untuk mengolahnya menjadi keputusan bermakna. Untuk itu dibutuhkan suat&- sistem pengolahan informasi yang menghasilkan pengetabuan yang berguna bagi para5Pengambil keputusan. Sistem Intelijen Bisnis adalah sistem informasi mengenai periliku pesaing, pemasok, pelanggan, teknologi, pasar, produk dan layanan serta ling~gan bisnis. Data ekstemal pada umumnya bersifat tidak teratur dan tidak jelas, karemt itu pengolahannya harns dilakukan dengan menggunakan Sistem Intelijen. ~ Untuk memulihkan perekonomian Indonesia yang krisis sejak tabun 1997, pemcrintah telah menciptakan sumber-sumber pertumbuhan baru yang berbasis ke~gulan kompetitif, salah satunya adalah sektor kelautan dan perikanan. Ikan olahan, yan€mengalami pertumbuhan pada tabun 2004 sebesar 49.49%, merupakan komoditi perikaman yang potensial dalam menghasilkan devisa bagi negara dan mensejahterakan masFakat perikanan. Salah satu hasil ikan olahan adalah teri nasi yang diekspor ke JepaJlg.
Appears in Collections:DT - Agriculture Technology

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