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Title: Kebijakan Pemberantasan Illegal logging untuk Perlindungan Sumberdaya Hutan di Indonesia
Authors: Kusmana,Cecep
Sutjahjo, Surjono H.
Soedarso, Bambang Prabowo
Setianingsih, Betty
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Illegal Logging
Combating Policy
Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP).
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: The lost of world’s natural tropical forest is the highest in Indonesia (2,83 million ha per year). Combating illegal logging in Indonesia has become the priority of national program. The purpose of the research is to analyze the policy related to the combating illegal logging in Indonesia, the role of stakeholders and the formula of effective and legal way to to eliminate illegal logging in Indonesia. The research method uses the 4Rs method (Responsibilities, Rights, Revenues, and Relationship) to analyze the role of stakeholder in practicing the policy to eliminate the illegal logging in Indonesia. The analytical approach uses the Analytical Hierarchy Process, AHP, to create decision by using mathematical model. Data analysis in this research uses critical approach. The data compiled in this research are secondary data in the form of laws based on forest management regulation in Indonesia. The research observed illegal logging in Indonesia generally and Jambi specifically. The tendency of illegal logging in the prone forest territory with the potential of standing stocks shows that the illegal logging practice is influenced by the illegal log market. This is supported by the fact that operation to combat massive illegal logging happened in the Riau province, directly bordered to the Jambi province. The finding is the regulation related to illegal logging in Indonesia is appropriate to be used as law outside the forest territory but still related to the derivative act. Even though the law is sufficient, it is not effectively implemented due to the weak law enforcement and weak law compliance. The relation between law enforcer in order to eliminate illegal logging is approximately enough, yet weak between the forest technical and environmental institution with the regional institution. The priority of policy to combat illegal logging in Indonesia based on the data analysis result using AHP approach by showing factor, actor, purpose, and alternative policy which has the highest priority value is the law enforcement factor, government actor, the goal to recover the forest economy, and application of command-andcontrol- natured policy, respectively.
Appears in Collections:DT - Multidiciplinary Program

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BAB III Metode Penelitian.pdf
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BAB V Analisis Kebijakan dan Peraturan....pdf
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BAB VI Analaisis Efektifitas Implementasi Kebijakan....pdf
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BAB VII Kelambagaan Pemberantasan Illegal Logging Di Indonesia.pdf
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BAB VIII Prioritas Kebijakan Pemberantasan Illegal Logging Di Indonesia.pdf
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BAB X Rekomendasi Kebijakan.pdf
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