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Title: Keanekaragaman dan Pola Penyebaran Spasial Spesies Tumbuhan Asing Invasif di Cagar Alam Kamojang
The Diversity and Spatial Distribution Pattern of Invasive Alien Plant Species in Kamojang Natural Reserve Area.
Authors: Hikmat,Agus
Prasetyo,Lilik Budi
Hidayat, Angga Zaelani
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Spatial distribution pattern
Invasive alien plant species
Vegetation analysis
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: Invasive alien plant species in a disturbed forest ecosystem was feared could reduce the composition of native vegetation in the area which could threaten the biodiversity of the ecosystem. The process of invasion by alien plants has been reported to occur in several protected areas in Indonesia such as the Wasur National Park, Baluran National Park, and the Komodo National Park. One of the conservation area also allegedly invaded by alien plant species is Kamojang Natural Reserve Area. Thus, there is a need of research on the diversity and spatial distribution pattern of the invasive alien plant species in the area. The research was conducted in July-August 2011 at the Kamojang Natural Reserve Area. The data collection of the invasive alien plants species’ diversity was conducted by analyzing the vegetations using double plots method. The identification of invasive alien plants species used references from Weber (2003) and ISSG (2005). The data collection of the spatial distribution pattern of invasive alien plants species was conducted by marking every observation plots using GPS and the result was then interpolated. The distribution of individual invasive alien plant species that are dominant were analyzed using linier regression analysis to acquire the invasive alien plants species’ influence toward its distance from the road. The number of analyzed vegetation species identified comprises of 86 species from 50 families. The invasive alien plants species identified was 13 species which consist of 8 families: Ageratum conyzoides (Asteraceae), Rubus moluccanus (Rosaceae), Clidemia hirta (Melastomaceae), Cynodon dactylon (Poaceae), Panicum repens (Poaceae), Mimosa pudica (Fabaceae), Mimosa pigra (Fabaceae), Austroeupatorium inulifolium (Asteraceae), Passiflora edulis (Passifloraceae), Lantana camara (Verbenaceae), Mikania micrantha (Asteraceae), Piper aduncum (Piperaceae) and Ageratina riparia (Asteraceae). According to the index of Morisita and the result of IDW interpolation on dominant invasive alien plant species, it was found that the distribution’s pattern of the invasive alien plant species tend to clump except for A. inulifolium which have uniform distribution. Invasive alien plant species are identified as many as thirteen species of 8 families with dominant species, namely A. inulifolium, A. riparia and L. camara. Spatial distribution patterns of invasive alien plant species in Kamojang Natural Reserve Area tend to clump in relatively open forest conditions. The effect of distance from the road towards the the number of the invasive plant species distribution only occured to A. Inulifolium, while A. riparia and L. camara was not effected by the distance from the road.
Spesies tumbuhan asing invasif di ekosistem hutan yang terganggu dikhawatirkan dapat mereduksi komposisi vegetasi asli sehingga dapat mengancam keanekaragaman hayati di ekosistem tersebut. Proses invasi oleh tumbuhan asing dilaporkan telah terjadi di beberapa kawasan konservasi di Indonesia seperti Taman Nasional Wasur, Taman Nasional Baluran dan Taman Nasional Komodo. Salah satu kawasan konservasi yang diduga diinvasi juga oleh spesies tumbuhan asing yaitu Cagar Alam Kamojang sehingga diperlukan penelitian mengenai keanekaragaman dan pola penyebaran spasial spesies tumbuhan asing invasif di kawasan tersebut. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli sampai dengan Agustus 2011 di Cagar Alam Kamojang. Pengambilan data keanekaragaman spesies tumbuhan asing invasif dilakukan dengan analisis vegetasi menggunakan metode petak ganda. Identifikasi spesies tumbuhan asing invasif menggunakan buku panduan lapang Webber (2003) dan ISSG (2005). Pengumpulan data penyebaran spasial dilakukan melalui penandaan pada setiap titik plot pengamatan menggunakan GPS kemudian hasil penandaan diinterpolasikan. Sebaran jumlah individu spesies tumbuhan asing invasif yang dominan dianalisis menggunakan analisis regresi linier untuk mendapatkan pengaruhnya terhadap jarak dari jalan. Jumlah spesies tumbuhan hasil analisis vegetasi teridentifikasi sebanyak 86 spesies yang terdiri dari 50 famili. Spesies tumbuhan asing invasif teridentifikasi sebanyak tiga belas spesies yang terdiri dari delapan famili yaitu Ageratum conyzoides (Asteraceae), Rubus moluccanus (Rosaceae), Clidemia hirta (Melastomaceae), Cynodon dactylon (Poaceae), Panicum repens (Poaceae), Mimosa pudica (Fabaceae), Mimosa pigra (Fabaceae), Austroeupatorium inulifolium (Asteraceae), Passiflora edulis (Passifloraceae), Lantana camara (Verbenaceae), Mikania micrantha (Asteraceae), Piper aduncum (Piperaceae) dan Ageratina riparia (Asteraceae). Pola penyebaran spasial spesies tumbuhan asing invasif berdasarkan indeks Morisita dan hasil interpolasi pada spesies tumbuhan asing invasif cenderung mengelompok kecuali spesies A. inulifolium yang menyebar secara merata di Cagar Alam Kamojang. Spesies tumbuhan asing invasif yang teridentifikasi sebanyak tiga belas spesies yang terdiri dari 8 famili dengan spesies yang dominan yaitu A. inulifolium, A. riparia dan L. camara. Pola sebaran spasial spesies tumbuhan asing invasif di Cagar Alam Kamojang cenderung mengelompok pada kondisi hutan yang relatif terbuka. Pengaruh jarak dari jalan terhadap sebaran jumlah individu spesies tumbuhan asing invasif hanya mempengaruhi A. inulifolium, sedangkan sebaran jumlah individu A. riparia dan L. camara tidak dipengaruhi oleh jarak dari jalan.
Appears in Collections:UT - Conservation of Forest and Ecotourism

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