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Title: Peran, dampak investasi dan kebijakan sektor pertambangan terhadap perekonomian nasional dan regional
The roles, investment impacts, and mining sector policies on regional and national economy
Authors: Oktaviani, Rina
Sinaga, Bonar M.
Hakim, Dedi Budiman
Yuwono, Margo
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: The objective of this study is to analyze The Roles, Investment Impacts, and Mining Sector Policies on Regional and National Economy. This study uses Interregional Social Accounting Matrix (IRSAM) models of Kalimantan, and non-Kalimantan framework. The IRSAM model is used based on a consideration that it can explain the social and economic performance quite well. Kalimantan and non-Kalimantan framework are used to see the transmission or flow of the mining sector development impacts in Kalimantan. In the IRSAM models, the mining sector disaggregated into oil and gas, and coal mining, and other mining sub-sectors. Furthermore, disaggregation of urban and rural household criteria is adopted from World Bank concepts that divide household income into three categories namely low, medium, and high income. The objectives of this research are achieved using two different ways. Firstly, an analysis is conducted by using a descriptive analysis and IRSAM multipliers, and secondly, by using policy simulations analysis. A descriptive analysis and IRSAM multipliers are used to see the impacts of any increased in investment on Mining sector, and the policy simulation analysis is used to see the impact of any development policies on the same sector. The roles of the mining sectors are analyzed using relevance and multiplier values, and it shows that the mining sector linkages in the economy both backward and forward are very low. Based on the mining sector development multiplier analysis, it shows that the development of the mining sector does not give too much of a benefit to the economy of Kalimantan, or the high level of spillover effect occurs in the economy. Furthermore, shocks in the mining sector are causing high income disparities in economic. Any increases in investments in the mining sector produce a less good impact on the economy of Kalimantan. The reason is because not all capital goods that are used by the mining sector are available in Kalimantan. This is causing the impact flows out from the territory. Several policy alternatives to optimize the mining sector's roles in the economy are simulated in the models. The result shows that not all specified scenarios give good results in all aspects. However, the most effective policy, in short term or long term, is scenario 7, which increased regional revenues by getting 6.5 percent of royalty, and from that amount distributes 20 percent to agricultural sector, 40 percent to infrastructures, and 40 percent to the development of agro-industry. The implementation of this policy could result in additional revenues in all sectors of productions, and would be more evenly distributed especially in agriculture sector, and agro-industry. Additional income is also generated more evenly in all household groups.
Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, produksi beberapa komoditas pertambangan Indonesia seperti timah, tembaga, nikel, emas dan batubara tidak saja berperan besar dalam perekonomian nasional namun juga telah menjadi pemasok bagi kebutuhan dunia. Kontribusi sektor pertambangan bukan migas dalam perekonomian Indonesia selama periode 2000-2010 cenderung meningkat, jika pada tahun 2000 kontribusinya baru mencapai 2.81 persen kemudian pada tahun 2010 sudah mencapai 5.16 persen. Komoditas terbesar dalam sektor pertambangan bukan migas adalah komoditas batubara, dalam beberapa tahun terakhir produksinya meningkat cukup tajam. Peningkatan produksi batubara ini diduga akibat dari kebijakan energi mix yang lebih mengutamakan energi batubara dibandingkan energi yang lain, sehingga permintaan internasional akan komoditas tersebut juga meningkat. Selain berkontribusi dalam penciptaan nilai tambah (value added), sektor pertambangan bukan migas juga memberikan manfaat yang besar pada penerimaan keuangan negara. Penerimaan pemerintah dari sektor ini selama periode 2005-2010, berkisar antara Rp.6-13 Triliun dan terbesar terjadi pada tahun 2008 yang mencapai Rp.12,8 triliun. Sementa itu penerimaan negara dari SDA berkisar antara Rp.100-225 triliun, atau sekitar 18-27 persen dari total APBN. Hal ini memberikan indikasi bahwa ketergantungan ekonomi Indonesia terhadap sumberdaya alam masih sangat tinggi.
Appears in Collections:DT - Economic and Management

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