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Title: Ekobiologi reproduksi ikan opudi Telmatherina antoniae (Kottelat, 1991) sebagai dasar konservasi ikan endemik di Danau Matano, Sulawesi Selatan
Reproductive ecobiology of Telmatherina Antoniae (Kottelat, 1991) as the base of the endemic fish conservation In Lake Matano, South Sulawesi
Authors: Sulistiono
M.F. Rahardjo
Sjafei, Djadja S.
Muchsin, Ismudi
Tantu, Fadly Y.
Keywords: ecobiology
Telmatherina antoniae
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: The research were aimed to describe characteristics of habitat, distribution patterns, growth and reproduction of the endemic fish T. antoniae as the base of endemic fish management in Lake Matano, South Sulawesi. This was conducted from September 2010 to August 2011 in nine sampling stations. Fish were collected by mini beach seine of 10 m length and 3 m depth with 3 mm mesh size. The habitat conditions were described and physical chemical parameters of the water were measured monthly. Results showed that temperature was 27.20 - 30.30 ˚C, dissolved oxygen was 5.02 - 7.45 mg l-1, pH was 8.32 - 8.8, total suspended solids was 0.3 - 3.6 mg l-1, total dissolved solids was 80 - 145 mg l-1, and water transparency was 13 - 23 m. The habitat was in shallow areas along the lake sides with clear waters, bottom substrate composed of sand to cobbles with rare aquatic vegetation. Male‟s standard length (SL) ranged between 32.76 and 85.58 mm, while female‟s ranged between 36.17 and 83.25 mm. Male and female population was dominated by those of 41.58-54.80 mm SL and 37.17-54.80 mm, respectively. Both male and female‟s growth patterns were allometric. Male‟s growth equation was Lt = 87.64(1-e-0,36(t-0,11)) and female‟s was Lt = 85.43(1-e- 0,54(t-0,08)). Conservation of the endemic fish need to be conducted by enhancing the functions of nature recreation park of Lake Matano.
Penelitian kajian ekobiologi ikan opudi Telmatherina antoniae sebagai dasar pengelolaan ikan endemik di Danau Matano, Sulawesi Selatan bertujuan untuk mengkaji karakter habitat, pola distribusi, pertumbuhan dan reproduksi ikan endemik T. antoniae di daerah litoral Danau Matano untuk dijadikan dasar dalam pengelolaan ikan endemik di Danau Matano. Penelitian dilakukan di Danau Matano, Sulawesi Selatan. Sampling dilakukan setiap bulan selama 12 bulan yaitu mulai bulan September 2010 sampai dengan Agustus 2011. Sampling dilakukan pada sembilan stasiun penelitian. Metoda penelitian yang digunakan adalah metoda survei post facto. Stasiun penelitian ditetapkan berdasarkan pertimbangan: (1) merupakan habitat dari ikan T. antoniae, (2) kondisi stasiun penelitian memungkinkan untuk operasional pelaksanaan sampling, dan (3) stasiun penelitian dapat mewakili keragaman habitat dari ikan T. antoniae. Berdasarkan pertimbangan ini ditetapkan sembilan stasiun penelitian yang dibagi dalam tiga zona yang secara spasial mewakili tiga bagian danau utama yaitu: (1) Zona yang mewakili wilayah danau bagian hulu, (2) zona yang mewakili wilayah danau bagian tengah, dan (3) zona yang mewakili wilayah danau bagian hilir.
Appears in Collections:DT - Fisheries

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