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Title: Rancang bangun pengelolaan minawisata bahari pulau kecil berbasis konservasi: kasus pulau dullah Kota Tual Provinsi Maluku
Design of marine fishery-tourism management on small island based conservation: Case Dullah Island - Tual City - Moluccas Province
Authors: Adrianto, Luky
Bengen, Dietriech Geoffrey
Boer, Mennofatria
Haris, Abdul
Keywords: marine fishery-tourism
conservation-based management model
Dullah Island, land suitability
carrying capacity
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: A research was conducted in Un Bay and Vid Bangir Bay in Dullah Island Tual City - Moluccas Province. These regions have potential coastal and marine resources for development of marine fishery-tourism. The research was conducted from October 2008 to October 2009. Study purposes were to analyze potential and condition of ecosystems and coastal resources, biophysical condition of Dullah Island especially in Un Bay and Vid Bangir Bay and to evaluate ecological integrity and economic potential of the resources utilization through conservation based marine fishery-tourim of small island. Land suitability for marine fishery-tourism activities was obtained using geographical information system (GIS), determination of space utilization priorities was obtained using multi-criteria decision making and simple multi-attribute rating techniques. Land capability to support marine fishery-tourism activity was obtained through physical carrying capacity and ecological carrying capacity analysis. Economic value of coral reefs and mangrove ecosystems was approached using resources economic valuation, while economic feasibility was analyzed using NPV and B/C ratio approaches. In addition, management sustainability was analyzed using ecological-economic integration through a dynamic modeling approach. Results of dynamic modeling simulations for base-model showed that in the fifth year all marine fishery-tourism business units were able to produce benefits with NPV total annual value Rp.9.658.005.207, extension of coral reefs areas to 6.36195 ha and mangrove ecosystem to 6.88131 ha. Pessimistic scenario showed that in the fifth year, all marine fishery-tourism business units produced benefits with NPV total annual value Rp.8.029.639.188, extension of coral reefs areas to 6.35242 ha and mangrove ecosystem to 6.85992 ha. Furthermore, conservative scenario showed that in the fifth year all tourism business units produced benefits with amounted NPV total annual value to Rp.10.449.128.413, extension of coral reefs areas to 6.37004 ha, and mangrove ecosystem to 6.90371 ha. The above results implied the need for adopting government policies that supported by integrated and simultaneous programs in order to achieve an optimal marine fishery-tourism management objective in Un Bay and Vid Bangir Bay.
Model pengelolaan terpadu sangat penting dalam pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan sumberdaya pulau-pulau kecil. Salah satu model pengelolaan terpadu yang dapat dikembangkan di pulau-pulau kecil adalah minawisata bahari yaitu pemanfaatan sumberdaya kelautan, perikanan, dan wisata bahari yang ada di suatu wilayah tertentu secara terintegrasi dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan nilai ekonomi dari sumberdaya sekaligus juga untuk pengembangan kegiatan perekonomian masyarakat dan wilayah tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kawasan Teluk Un dan Teluk Vid Bangir, Pulau Dullah - Kota Tual - Provinsi Maluku karena kawasan ini memiliki sumberdaya pesisir dan laut yang potensial untuk pengembangan minawisata bahari. Waktu penelitian dimulai sejak bulan Oktober 2008 sampai dengan Oktober 2009. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis potensi dan kondisi ekosistem dan sumberdaya pesisir dan lautan serta kondisi biofisik lingkungan perairan Pulau Dullah khususnya di Teluk Un dan Teluk Vid Bangir untuk pengembangan minawisata bahari pulau kecil berbasis konservasi yang mengintegrasikan kegiatan perikanan tangkap, perikanan budidaya, dan wisata bahari dalam satu model pengelolaan terpadu. Ada lima kategori aktivitas minawisata bahari yang akan dikembangkan yaitu minawisata bahari pancing; minawisata bahari pengumpulan kerang (moluska); minawisata bahari karamba pembesaran ikan; minawisata bahari selam; dan minawisata bahari mangrove. Selain itu penelitian ini juga dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi keterpaduan ekologi dan ekonomi dalam pemanfaatan potensi sumberdaya pesisir dan laut dengan model pengelolaan minawisata bahari pulau kecil berbasis konservasi.
Appears in Collections:DT - Fisheries

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