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Title: Rancang bangun model peningkatan kinerja agroindustri kelapa sawit perkebunan BUMN
Model design for improving performance of state owned oil palm agroindustry
Authors: Jamaran, Irawadi
Darwis, A. Aziz
Syamsu, Khaswar
Arkeman, Yandra
Farida, Aida
Keywords: Oil Palm Agroindustry
Key Performance Indicator
Scoring Board
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Financial and non financial factors are important indicators to evaluate performance of the corporation. The main objective of this study was to design a model for improving performance of estate and plant of state owned oil palm agroindustry. This model were integrated in model based management system (MBMS) and the data were integrated in data based management system (DBMS). The MBMS and the DBMS were integrated with dialog management system and then all the components were integrated and implemented into a computer software named Pin-KK. Implementation of Pin-KK produces conception model of key performance indicator model, scoring board model, improving performance combination model dan simulation model. Research methodology applied several system techniques such as SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats), balance scorecard and fuzzy pairwase comparison. The selected criteria for estate is plant, fertilizing, cost management, harvest, plant maintenance, production and employee development, while selected criteria for factory is production, factory cost management, losses, factory utilization, CPO quality, employees development, and environmental friendly process. The result of the low estate performance is employees development, while the low factory performances are production and environmental friendly production process
Kinerja digunakan untuk menilai keberhasilan kegiatan operasional periode yang lalu dan dijadikan acuan dalam pengendalian dan evaluasi sekaligus menjadi sebuah sistem yang optimal. Perkebunan BUMN seperti umumnya sebuah organisasi tidak lepas dari permasalahan manajemen seperti perubahan produk, teknologi produksi, organisasi, struktur pasar dan lain-lain yang akan mempengaruhi kebijakan manajemen. Oleh sebab itu PBUMN memerlukan pengukuran kinerja yang dapat dijadikan acuan dalam melakukian evaluasi sekaligus menjadi sebuah sistem yang optimal. Rancang bangun model peningkatan kinerja agroindustri kelapa sawit PBUMN dibuat dalam bentuk software dengan nama Pin-KK memuat informasi yang lengkap dalam menentukan IKK kebun, IKK pabrik, scoring board kebun, scoring board pabrik, kombinasi peningkatan kinerja kebun, kombinasi peningkatan kinerja pabrik, simulasi kebun dan simulasi pabrik. Software ini mudah untuk dioperasikan sehingga mampu mendukung manajemen dalam proses mengukur kinerja dan meningkatkan kinerja kebun dan pabrik secara komprehensif dan sistematik.
Appears in Collections:DT - Agriculture Technology

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