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Title: Optimasi Biosintesis Nanopartikel Silika (SiO2) dengan Substrat Sekam Padi oleh Fusarium oxysporum
Optimization Nanoparticle Silica Biosynthesis with Rice Husks Substrate by Fusarium oxysporum.
Authors: Ambarsari,Laksmi
Nurfitriyani, Leli
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: Rice husk is a by product of rice production that contains amount of silica. Its silica can be used as silica nanoparticle that plays an important role in biosensors, cell labelling, drugs delivery. The characteristic of nanoparticle biosynthesis methods are eco-friendly, clean, nontoxic, cheap, and easy. However, nanoparticle silica biosynthesis from rice husks has not been optimized. The aim of this research is to optimize the biosynthesis of silica nanoparticles by increase the incubation time. Fusarium oxysporum was grown in a PDA medium pH 6 and PDL pH 4, room temperature, and 200 rpm aeration system. Biosynthesis was done by resuspended F. oxysporum biomass with rice husks solution at variaous incubation time 24, 48, 72, 96, and 120 hours. Product of biosynthesis was characterized using PSA, SEM, FTIR, and XRD. The results show that biosynthesis product in 96 hours incubation has nanoparticle size about 46.3-93.1 nm (96%) and average diameters 59.7 nm. Particles morphology was spherical but still has been agglomerated within silica crystalline structure
Sekam padi merupakan hasil samping dari produksi padi yang mengandung silika cukup tinggi. Silika tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai nanopartikel silika yang berperan dalam biosensor, pelabelan sel, penghantaran obat. Metode biosintesis nanopartikel bersifat ramah lingkungan, bersih, non toksik, murah, dan mudah. Biosintesis nanopartikel silika dari sekam padi belum optimum. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan optimasi biosintesis nanopartikel silika melalui penambahan waktu inkubasi. Fusarium oxysporum ditumbuhkan pada media PDA pH 6 dan PDL pH 4, suhu ruang, dan sistem aerasi 200 rpm. Biosintesis dilakukan dengan meresuspensi biomassa F. oxysporum dengan larutan sekam pada variasi waktu inkubasi 24, 48, 72, 96, dan 120 jam. Produk biosintesis dikarakterisasi menggunakan PSA, SEM, FTIR, dan XRD. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa produk biosintesis pada inkubasi 96 jam sudah memiliki ukuran nanopartikel sekitar 46.3-93.1 nm (96%) dan diameter rata-rata 59.7 nm. Morfologi partikel berbentuk spherical (bulat) tetapi masih beraglomerasi dan memiliki struktur silika kristalin
Appears in Collections:UT - Biochemistry

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