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dc.contributor.advisorFalah, Syamsul
dc.contributor.advisorAndrianto, Dimas
dc.description.abstractA plant which is believed as a medicinal plant to reduce cholesterol blood is mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King.). The objective to test mahogany bark ekstract as blood cholesterol lower in vivo on white rats (Sprague Dawley). A total of 25 male rats were divided into 5 groups (n = 5), namely the normal group (N) that were given standard feed, hypercholesterolemic group (HK) that were given by fed cholesterol (1.5%) and PTU (0.5 mg/kg), lovastatin group (HK + lovastatin 0.2875 mg/kg), extract 1 treatment group (E1) that were given mahogany water extract of 150 mg/kg BW, and extract 2 treatment groups (E2) that were given mahogany water extract of 300 mg/kg BW. Experimental periode for 7 weeks, divided become 2 periode that was increasing cholesterol periode for 6 weeks and treatment periode for 1 week. Blood total cholesterol concentration was analyzed every 2 weeks with cholesterol oxidase enzymatic method CHOD-PAP (cholesterol oxidase phenol amino phenanzone). It be measured with a spectrophotometer at λ = 505 nm. The results showed that feeding cholesterol (1.5%) and PTU (0.5 mg / kg) for 7 weeks in HK groups able to increase the concentration of cholesterol by 245.50%. Statistical analysis supports that the E2 significantly to HK group and no significant effect on the normal group. In addition, the extract dose of 150 mg / kg BW did not differ significantly with HK. Based on data, it can be concluded that extract 2 treatment group can reduce blood cholesterol concentration.en
dc.description.abstractSalah satu tumbuhan yang diyakini berkhasiat sebagai tumbuhan obat untuk menurunkan kolesterol darah adalah mahoni (Swietenia macrophylla King.). Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji khasiat ekstrak kulit kayu mahoni sebagai penurun hiperkolesterolemia secara in vivo pada tikus galur Sprague Dawley. Sebanyak 25 ekor tikus jantan dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok (n=5), yaitu kelompok normal (N) diberi pakan standar, kelompok hiperkolesterolemia (HK) diberi pakan kolesterol (1.5%) dan propil tiourasil (PTU) (0.5mg/KgBB), kelompok lovastatin (HK+lovastatin 0.2875 mg/kgBB), kelompok perlakuan ekstrak 1/ E1 (HK+ekstrak air mahoni 150 mg/kgBB), serta kelompok perlakuan ekstrak 2/ E2 (HK+ekstrak air mahoni 300 mg/KgBB). Masa percobaan berlangsung selama 7 minggu, dibagi menjadi 2 periode yaitu peningkatan kolesterol selama 6 minggu dan perlakuan ekstrak kulit kayu mahoni selama 1 minggu. Konsentrasi kolesterol total darah dianalisis setiap 2 minggu dengan metode enzimatik kolesterol oksidase CHOD-PAP (cholesterol oxidase phenol amino phenanzone ) yang diukur dengan spektrofotometer pada panjang gelombang 505 nm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian pakan kolesterol (1.5%) dan PTU (0.5 mg/kgBB) selama 7 minggu pada kelompok HK mampu menaikkan konsentrasi kolesterol sebesar 245.50%. Analisis statistik mendukung bahwa kelompok E2 signifikan terhadap kelompok HK dan tidak signifikan terhadap kelompok normal. Sementara dosis ekstrak 150 mg/kgBB tidak berbeda nyata dengan HK. Berdasarkan data dapat disimpulkan bahwa kelompok E2 mampu menurunkan konsentrasi kolesterol.
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titlePotensi Ekstrak Kulit Kayu Mahoni sebagai Penurun Kolesterol Darah pada Tikus Putih Hiperkolesterolemiaen
dc.titleThe potency of mahogany bark as a lower of blood cholesterol hipercholesterolemia white rats.
Appears in Collections:UT - Biochemistry

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