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Title: Kriopreservasi T Anaman Purwoceng (Pimpinella Pruatjan Molk.) Dengan Teknik Vitriflkasi
Other Titles: [Cryopreservation of Pruatjan (Pimpinellapruatjan Molk.) by Vitrification Technique]
Authors: Roostika, I.
Darwati, I.
Megia, Rita
Keywords: Kriopreservasi
teknik vitrifikasi
pimpinella pruatjan molk
tanaman obat
perlakuan prakultur
perlakuan loading
perlakuan dehidrasi
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Pusat Penelitian Biologi - LIPI
Series/Report no.: Volume 8, Nomor 6;
Abstract: Pruatjan (PimpineJ/a pruatjan Molk.) is an Indonesian endangered medicinal plant that included in Appendix I based on CITES. Therefore it is a highly protected species. To avoid extinction of this plant, it is very important to conserve the plant. In vitro conservation is more suitable since this plant is difficuh to be cultivated outside of its habitat. Cryopreservation technique may conserve this material for a long-term period. Tt:e objectives of this research were to find optimized treatments for pre culture, loading. and dehydration on cryoprcservation ofpruatjan. The research was conducted at Tissue Culture Laboratory in Indonesian Center for Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Resources Research and Development, started from May to November 2007. Pre culture was conducted using DKW basal media that added by sucrose at the level ofO.3. 004, and 0.5M for one and three days incubation. Loading was conducted in DKW basal media containing 2M glycerol and OAM sucrose for 15, 30, and 45 minutes duration time. Dehydraticn was conducted in several cryoprotectants, namely PVS I (22% glycerol + 13% propylene glycol + 13% etylene glycol + 6% DMSO + 3% sucrose), PVS2 (30% glycerol + 15% etylene glycol + 15% DMSO + 0,4M sucrose), PVS3 (50% glycerol + .50% sucrose), and PVS4 (35% glycerol + 20% etylcne glycol + sucrose O.6M). Result showed that pruatjan could be prcsl!rved through cryopreserv .. tion by vitrification method. The best pre culture was using 0.3 M sucrose for one day, the best loading was 30 minutes. while the best cryoprotectant was PVS2 with 90% success before freezing and 40% after frcezing. The success may be improved by applying pre growth treatment, optimizing temperature of thawing, modification of recovcry media and incubation condition.
ISSN: 0126-1754
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

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