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Title: Model of policy implementation development of the use of pesticides on vegetable crops in the province of East Java
Model pengembangan implementasi kebijakan penggunaan pestisida pada tanaman sayuran di provinsi Jawa Timur
Authors: Tarumingkeng, Rudy C.
Sanim, Bunasor
Sulistiyono, Luluk
Keywords: policy implementation
vegetable crops
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: The use of pesticides by vegetable farmers is closely related to the policy that has been implemented by the government through Intergrated Pest Management (IPM) program since 1989. However, the fact in the field shows that the use of pesticides for vegetable crops is still high and has caused various negative effects on humans, plant pests and the environment. This study aimed to develop a strategy for policy implementation in the use of pesticides through a system modeling approach. The research was carried out in the main central areas of vegetables (shallots, peppers, cabbages and potatoes) in four regencies including Nganjuk, Kediri, Malang and Problinggo of East Java Province. The respondents were 112 field school of IPM and 112 non- field school of IPM farmers with a method of accidental sampling. There were 12 expert respondents taken from practitioners, bureaucracy and academicians using purposive sampling. The data processing and analysis were assisted by SPSS software, version 16 for Windows, version 2.5 c for powersim modeling system and strategy development with a prospective analysis. The research results showed that the success of policy implementation in pesticide use with indicator 5 (five) appropriate (PP No. 6 / 1995) was categorized inappropriate except for the right target at pest. By using a volume approach to pesticide use, the modeling behavior of a real system in the pesticide use by vegetable farmers was composed of 5 (five) submodels: (1) sub-model of planting area, (2) sub-model of pest attack, (3) sub-model of farmer human resource, (4) sub-model of promotional pressure and (5) sub-model of access to the availability of pesticides. Two factors that acted as input (driver) in the system behavior were found: (1) farmer human resource and (2) the role of officers. Three factors of stakes in the system were: (1) pest attack, (2) support of local government and (3) cross-sector cooperation. Three scenarios were found for the development of policy implementation in pesticide use including (1) pessimistic scenario, (2) moderate scenario, and (3) optimistic scenario. Based on the simulation results of using pesticide on the three scenarios until the year 2025, the final data of pesticides use were obtained as follows: pessimistic scenario was 53.338,7 tons, moderate scenario 32.634,84 tons and optimistic scenario 23.107,84 tons. Priority in the development of policy implementation in the use of pesticides is the empowerment of farmers through education and training, increased role of field officers supported by cross-sector coordination and pest control.
Sektor pertanian sayuran mempunyai peranan penting karena sayuran merupakan tanaman hortikultura yang mengandung nutrisi tinggi, terutama vitamin, mineral dan serat. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sayuran bagi penduduk Indonesia, bahan baku industri, membuka lapangan kerja juga untuk meningkatkan pendapatan negara pada sektor pertanian maka sektor pertanian sayuran harus ditingkatkan. Pemerintah telah memacu produksi sayuran melalui program intensifikasi maupun ekstensifikasi. Program intensifikasi telah menimbulkan kosekuensi positif yang ditandai dengan meningkatnya produksi sayuran sehingga sektor pertanian tanaman sayuran mampu menyediakan sayuran bagi penduduk. Konsekuensi negatif yang ditimbulkan salah satunya adalah penggunaan pestisida dengan volume tinggi. Penggunaan pestisida tinggi mengakibatkan keseimbangan ekosistem terganggu yang berdampak lanjutan munculnya masalah organisme pengganggu tanaman (OPT). Menghadapi ancaman serangan OPT, pemerintah telah memprogramkan langkah-langkah penanggulangan termasuk penggunaan bahan kimia. Praktik penggunaan input pestisida terutama pestisida sintetik yang tinggi berdampak pada kualitas sayuran menjadi rendah (kurang aman untuk dikonsumsi), menurunnya kualitas lingkungan dan bahaya bagi kesehatan masyarakat terutama bagi tenaga operator dan keluarganya.
Appears in Collections:DT - Multidiciplinary Program

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