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Title: Kualitas Limbah Batik Pewarna Alami dan Toksisitas Terhadap Larva Udang (Artemia salina Leach
Authors: Bintang,Maria
Mauliddin, Budi Khasana
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: Waste water from the process of batik contain different types of organic and inorganic materials. These demonstrated by the high and low values of pH, chemical oxygen demand (COD), biological oxygen demand (BOD), content of detergents and wax as well as heavy metals which can degrade the usability of these water. The use of natural colouration theoretically safe because the waste is biologically degradable easily. The purpose of this research is to test the qualityof the natural dye batik waste and toxicity against shrimp larva (Artemia salina Leach), so the waste produced safe for the environment. The waste from the natural coloration is not entirely safe for the environment, because in the process of batik making, some stages are still using chemicals, although relatively small. The natural ingredients has been used were made of bark extract secang wood. Analysis test of the quality of waste and toxicity test of shrimp larvae showed that LC50 of 1100.19 mg/L and some parameters such as the iron content of 0.5587 mg / L; calcium 4.5562 mg CaCO3/L; alumunium at 5.9892; pH 6.31; BOD 89.155 mg/L; COD 676.7 mg/L; vegetable oil 0.784 mg/L; and anionic surfactant (LAS) 11.9741 mg/L. The usage of secang wood as a batik dye extract is quite safe because of the LC50 of the waste was above 1000 mg/L, although there were several parameters over the waste standard quality level.
Air limbah dari proses membatik mengandung berbagai jenis bahan organik dan anorganik. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh tinggi dan rendahnya nilai pH, kebutuhan oksigen kimia (KOK), kebutuhan oksigen biologi (KOB), kandungan detergen dan lilin serta logam berat yang dapat menurunkan daya guna perairan tersebut. Penggunaan zat warna alami secara teoritis memiliki limbah yang aman karena limbahnya mudah terdegradasi secara biologis. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji kualitas limbah batik pewarna alami dan toksisitasnya terhadap larva udang (Artemia salina leach), sehingga limbah yang dihasilkan aman untuk lingkungan. Namun, limbah yang dihasilkan dari pewarnaan alami belum sepenuhnya aman untuk lingkungan, karena pada tahapan-tahapan proses membatik banyak masih menggunakan bahan kimia walaupun relatif kecil. Bahan alami yang digunakan terbuat dari ekstrak kulit kayu secang. Analisis uji kualitas limbah dan toksisitas terhadap larva udang menunjukkan hasil uji toksisitas dengan LC50 sebesar 1100,19 mg/L dan beberapa parameter seperti kandungan besi 0,5587 mg/L; kalsium 4,5562 mg CaCO3/L; alumunium sebesar 5,9892; pH 6,31; KOB 89,155 mg/L; KOK 676,7 mg/L; minyak nabati 0,784 mg/L; dan surfaktan anionik (LAS) 11,9741 mg/L. Penggunan ekstrak secang sebagai pewarna batik cukup aman karena memiliki limbah dengan LC50 diatas 1000 mg/L, walaupun ada beberapa parameter yang memiliki kandungan di atas standar baku mutu limbah.
Appears in Collections:UT - Biochemistry

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