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Title: Densitas dan Perilaku Nyamuk (Diptera : Culicidae) Di Desa Bojong Rangkas Kabupaten Bogor
Density And Behaviour of Mosquitoes (Diptera : Culicidae) in Bojong Rangkas Village Bogor District
Authors: Soviana, Susi
Hadi, Upik Kesumawati
Ginanjar, Rizqy Arif
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
biting activity
man biting rat
man hour density
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: This study was aimed to know the species, density, and behavior of mosquitoes and its relationship with the temperature, humidity and rainfall in Cikampak Residence Bojong Rangkas Village Bogor District. This research was conducted in October 2010 to June 2011 and the data were gathered by bare leg collection method. Total of 1.350 Culicinae mosquitoes collected, Culex quinquefasciatus was the most abundant species (89,63 %) followed by Cx.hutchinsoni (6,22 %), Cx. tritaeniorynchus (2,96 %), and Ae. albopictus (1,19 %). The highest man biting rate and man hour density were appeared on Cx. quinquefasciatus as 28,81 mosquitoes/man/night and 10,80 mosquitoes /man /hour). In addition, the biting activity of Cx. quinquefasciatus was highest between 23.00 to 24.00 and there were positive relation to the humidity, but negative relation against the rainfall.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis, kepadatan, dan perilaku nyamuk serta hubungannya terhadap suhu, kelembaban, dan curah hujan di daerah Cikampak, Desa Bojong Rangkas, Kabupaten Bogor. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Oktober 2010 s/d Juni 2011 dan data diambil dengan menggunakan metode bare leg collection. Dari 1350 nyamuk subfamili Culicinae yang tertangkap, Culex quinquefasciatus merupakan spesies yang paling banyak ditemukan (89,63 %) diikuti dengan Cx. hutchinsoni (6,22 %), Cx. tritaeniorynchus (2,96 %), dan Ae. albopictus (1,19 %). Nilai man biting rate dan man hour density tertinggi terlihat pada Cx. quinquefasciatus sebesar 28,81 nyamuk/orang/malam dan 10,80 nyamuk/orang/jam. Selain itu, puncak aktivitas menggigit Cx. quinquefasciatus terjadi pada pukul 23.00 s/d 24.00 dan terdapat hubungan yang positif terhadap kelembaban ruang namun memiliki hubungan yang negatif terhadap curah hujan.
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Disease and Veterinary Health

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