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Title: Ecology of child parenting : adolescents perception toward parenting style, media exposure and adolescents psychosocial development in Bandung
Ekologi pengasuhan anak : persepsi remaja terhadap gaya pengasuhan, paparan media dan perkembangan psikososial remaja di Kota Bandung
Authors: Sunarti, Euis
Sumarwan, Ujang
Susanto, Djoko
Asngari, Pang S.
Krisnatuti, Diah
Rasalwati, Uke Hani
Keywords: Adolescence
Ecological of Parenting
Media Exposure
Psychosocial Development
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Adolescent psychosocial development could be enhanced or suppressed by environmental influence like peer friendships and activities away from the family. The ecological of parenting can help parents understand the role of family, school, peer group and community in adolescence development and socialization. Therefore, parents must gradually relinquish the kind of parental control exerted during childhood and must rely more on discussion and mutuality in establishing expectations for conduct. The objectives of the study are : 1) to analyze the differences of media exposure, parenting and adolescent psychosocial development based on characteristic of adolescent, family, school and peer group and 2) to assess the influence of adolescent characteristic, family, school, peer group , media exposure, adolescents perception about parenting toward adolescent psychosocial development. This study was conducted in four different type of senior high schools in Bandung and the sample taken as many as 352 students from all classes proportionately. Data were analyzed with descriptive, the t-test, Regression and Path Analysis. The important results showed that there were significant differences between age group in identity, autonomy, intimacy, sexuality and achievement development; and adolescent psychosocial development was influenced significantly by age, media exposure and parenting (R2=0.346). The suggestion addressed to the parents were provide an appropriate parenting with regard to the ages and child development stages and conducted through an effective communication ; parents should monitor and select the content of messages which are accessed by the adolescent; the government is expected to control media regulation by functioning censor institution in order to supervise message published or exposed by media; and to conduct several programmes such as parenting skill for parents and social skill for the adolescent and to provide counseling institution which is accessible by parents and adolescent.
Remaja sebagai individu merupakan sumberdaya manusia yang memiliki potensi untuk berkembang dan menjadi aktor dalam pembangunan di masa depan. Oleh karena itu, remaja merupakan periode penting dalam perkembangan individu karena pada masa ini mereka mengalami perubahan yang mendasar dalam pubertas, kemampuan berpikir yang lebih tinggi dan transisi kepada peran-peran baru di dalam masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengidentifikasi karakteristik individu remaja, karakteristik keluarga, karakteristik sekolah dan peer group, 2) menganalisis paparan media, persepsi terhadap gaya pengasuhan dan perkembangan psikososial remaja menurut perbedaan karakteristik remaja, karakteristik keluarga, dan karakteristik sekolah, 3) mengkaji pengaruh karakteristik individu remaja, karakteristik keluarga, karakteristik sekolah dan peer group terhadap gaya pengasuhan orang tua yang dipersepsi oleh remaja, 4) mengkaji pengaruh karakteristik individu remaja, karakteristik keluarga, karakteristik sekolah dan peer group terhadap paparan media dan 5) mengkaji pengaruh karakteristik individu remaja, karakteristik keluarga, karakteristik sekolah, peer group, persepsi remaja terhadap gaya pengasuhan dan paparan media terhadap perkembangan psikososial remaja.
Appears in Collections:DT - Human Ecology

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