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Title: Analisis kebutuhan tenaga kerja perikanan tangkap di Kabupaten Halmahera Utara
Other Titles: Strategi Pengembangan Perikanan Halmahera Utara
Authors: Garedja, Wiliam Jhon
Wisudo, Sugeng Hari
Purbayanto, Ari
Keywords: Capture Fisheries
Fishing Gear
Government Polic
North Halmahera
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Dept. Penanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan IPB
Abstract: The objective of this study is to reveal information about the need for labour in capture fisheries and the labour specification required according to the fishing gear used, to analyze the need for labour in the field of capture fisheries and its development from time to time, to analyze the government policies on the development of capture fisheries and to analyze the benefits of fishing gear that can be developed. The results showed that in general the fishing gear showed the decline in trend production from year especially for local fishing gear operated near the beach. Whilst the fishing gear operate in offshore waters showed increasing production from year to year. This indicates that the level of exploitation in coastal areas is already quite high and there must be efforts to expand fishing area towards offshore. Total fishermen who recommended to work on four types of fishing gear are 36,389 peoples, which is needed at the level of total allowable catch (TAC). Fishing gear that can be recommended as a tool to absorb the labor such as respectively, purse seine (X2) are able to provide employment for 1642 peoples, encircling gill net (X3)are able to provide employment for 1997 peoples, huhate (X4) is 1298 peoples and line fishing (X5) is 31,453 peoples. The North Halmahera Regency government policies relating to the development of capture fisheries, such as the addition of a priority fishing fleet and the subsequent development of preferred processing of the catch. Both these policies will be correlated with employment.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Book's

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