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Title: Analisis pengembangan sumberdaya ikan pelagis kecil di Perairan Laut Halmahera Utara
Analysis of Small Pelagic Fish Development in North Halmahera Waters
Other Titles: Strategi Pengembangan Perikanan Halmahera Utara
Authors: Uktolseja, Fredo
Purbayanto, Ari
Wisudo, Sugeng Hari
Keywords: dominant fishing gear
maximum sustainable yield (MSY)
maximum economic yield (MEY)
North Halmahera water
small pelagic fish
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Dept. Penanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan IPB
Abstract: The North Halmahera waters broadness approximately 19.536,02 km2, estimated potential standing stock of fish as big as 97.867 tons/year, that consist of small pelagic fish of 22.542 tons/year,big pelagic fish of 61.135 tons/year, demersal fish of 11.096 tons/year and others sea animals (crab, lobster, etc) of 3.094 tons/year. Utilization of fish resources optimally must be supported by fishing gear that will give optimum result. The fishing gear should be analyzed by determination of the units with dominant catch of small pelagic fish. To the development of small pelagic species fisheries that is sustainable, then the analysis is done in a comprehensive analysis, both from the aspects of biology, technique, economic and social, as well as the fishery management policies. Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) of small pelagic species in the north Halmahera water was estimated at 11.132,27 tons/year with an optimum effort to 4.496 trips/year. As for the value of its maximum economic yield (MEY) was estimated at 11.110,66 tons/year with an optimum effort to 4.259 trips/year, and is expected with this condition will provide a total profit of Rp55.855.739.554,-.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Book's

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