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Title: Institutional Analysis in Sub Watershed Management of Batulanteh, Sumbawa Regency (Institutional Economics Perspective).
Analisis Kelembagaan Dalam Pengelolaan Sub DAS Batulanteh Di Kabupaten Sumbawa (Perspektif Ekonomi Kelembagaan).
Authors: Hidayat, Aceng
Ismail, Ahyar
Hartono, Yadi
Keywords: preversi authority
institutional design
property rights
Batulanteh Sub Watershed
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: During 21 years (1984 till 2005), more than half of the watershed were demaged (282 of 468 existing watershed). All this time, the secure efforts were limited to optimization natural resources, human resources, and man-made capital. Institutional factor was neglected, so the performance of watershed management has not yet been satisfactory. Therefore, this interesting study done, with the aim are analyzing legislation, the response of government and society to the Act, the variety of property rights, analyze stakeholders, and redesign institutional of sub watershed. The results showed 71,15 percent disposition the authority that was regulated in the Act is not appropriate. This phenomenon means preversi authority and resistive to optimal and sustainability forest management. In the measurement of response rate, both government and community level responses classified as good but not effectively to solve critical land problem in watershed. Property rights regime consist of state property and private property. Those regime have three problems : first, private property is not effective in public domain; secondly, there is illegal utilization in state property caused government incapabilty to protect their property rights; last, unclear position KPH organization, due to loss of exclusion. In the stakeholder analysis shows the fact that the overall stakeholder have mutual support against the interes of each other. But overall the stakeholders have not been fully involved in the management of sub watershed, including stakeholders who have great influence. The result from analysis of institutional design recommend to correction the act level and organization structure.
pembimbing. Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) adalah ekosistem tempat dimana air tersebut mengalir dari hulu hingga hilir. Atas fungsi tersebut, keberadaannya dipandang sangat penting dan strategis bagi kelangsungan pembangunan nasional. Namun pengelolaannya seringkali tidak optimal, sehingga trend kerusakannya, terus meningkat setiap tahun. Dalam kurun waktu 21 tahun (1984 s.d 2005), lebih dari separuh DAS telah rusak (282 dari 468 DAS). Kasus kerusakan tidak hanya terjadi pada DAS di atas yang masuk kategori DAS regional, namun juga melanda DAS lokal, salah satu Sub DAS Batulanteh di Kab. Sumbawa. Upaya penyelamatan yang telah dilakukan sejak 1980-an, dinilai hanya terbatas pada optimasi tiga faktor (sumber daya alam, sumber daya manusia, dan man-made capital) dari empat faktor kunci yang mempengaruhi kinerja keberhasilan pengelolaan DAS. Faktor pranata kelembagaan sedikit diabaikan, sehingga wajar kalau kinerja pengelolaan DAS hingga kini belum memuaskan. Untuk itulah, studi ini ditujukan untuk mempelajari substansi peraturan perundang-undangan yang menjadi aturan main dalam penyelenggaran pengelolaan DAS. Penelitian ini juga dihajatkan untuk melihat respon pemerintah daerah dan masyarakat terhadap amanat peraturan perundang-undangan, kemudian memetakan regim hak kepemilikan lahan, stakeholder yang terlibat dan pada tahap terakhir melakukan redesain kelembagaan pengelolaan Sub DAS Batulanteh.
Appears in Collections:MT - Economic and Management

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