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Title: Keragaman Genetik Gaharu Budidaya dan Alami Berdasarkan Penanda Mikrosa telit
Genetic Variation of Planted andNatural Agarwood Assessed by Microsatellite.
Authors: Siregar, Iskandar Z.
Irmayanti, Laswi
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
cross amplification
genetic diversity
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: with a specific fragrance, and is often used as raw materials of perfumes, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, incense, preservatives as well as religious activities. Overexploitation of agarwoodhas resulted in scarcity of agarwood in the nature leading to the lossesof treesof superior genotypes. This scarcity has led agarwoodto be included into the CITES Appendix II list in which a quota system is imposed for trading activities. However, this quota still does not distinguish clearly between natural or cultivatedagarwood, opening opportunities for illegal trading practices. It is therefore necessary to provide an effective attemptsto control of the origin of. Nowdayas, the use of DNA markers gains significant importance in the forensic activities such as verification of the origin of timber and plant materials. This tool is difficult to be manipulated. Therefore, a study was carried with aims to 1) cross amplify Aquilariacrassna microsatellite primers into other agarwood species (transferability study), and 2) to infer the origin of agarwoodbeing traded in the market. Materials for research were populations of agarwood from natural and planted forests and agarwood pieces of unknown origin. A.crassna microsatellite primers were used, namely 6pa18 (180-210 bp), 10pa17 (152-156 bp), 16pa17 (143-155 bp), and 71pa17 (152-224 bp). Results showed thatagarwood samples from both natural forests and plantations could cross amplify with expected fragment size ranges.Resultshowedthatgenetic diversity (He) in the planted forest was 0.5443 a slighty higher than that of natural forest (He=0.4642). Information on the level of genetic diversities can be used as scientific basis for conservation program. Cluster analysis showed different groupings of agarwood originated from plantations and natural forests. Futher analysis showed that agarwoodtimbers with unclear origins clustered intoagarwoodgroupd from natural forests indicatingcommon existence of traded natural agarwood.
damar wangidengan keharuman yang khas,sehinggabanyakdigunakan sebagai bahan baku industri parfum, obat-obatan, kosmetik, dupa, pengawet serta untuk keperluan ritual keagamaan. Eksploitasi gaharu yang berlebihanmengakibatkan kelangkaan dan hilangnya pohon (genotipe) unggul. Kelangkaan ini menyebabkan gaharu masuk kedalam daftar CITES Apendiks II, dengankonsekuensinyayaitupenjualan ekspor dan impor gaharu diaturolehkuota.Akan tetapi, kuotainitidak membedakan gaharu alami atau budidayasehingga masihmendorong terjadinyapraktek penebangan liar.Olehkarenaituperludilakukanupayapengendalian yang efektfterhadapasalusulkayugaharu. Akhir-akhirinipenggunaanpenanda DNA menjadipentinguntukmemverifikasiasal-usulkayudanbahantanamankarenasifatnya yang sulitdimanipulasisehinggaperludiujicobapadakayugaharu.Penelitianinibertujuanuntuk 1) melakukanamplifikasisilang primer mikrosatelitAquilariacrassnakejenisgaharulainnya, dan 2) mendugaasalusulkayugaharuyang diperdagangkan di pasaran.Bahanpenelitianyaitupopulasigaharudarihutanalamdantanamansertakayugaharu yang tidakdiketahuiasal-usulnya.Primer mikrosatelitA.crassna yang digunakandalamamplifikasi DNA gaharuadaempatmacam, yaitu 6pa18 (180-210 bp), 10pa17 (152-156 bp), 16pa17 (143-155 bp), dan 71pa17 (152-224 bp).Berdasarkanhasilpengamatandidapatkanbahwasemuajenissampelgaharubaikdarihutan alammaupunhutantanamandapatmengamplifikasisilangpadarentangukuranfragmen DNA yang diharapkan.Analisisgenetikmenunjukkannilaikeragamangenetik (He) dalampopulasigaharusebesar He=0.5443 (hutantanaman), dan He=0.4642 (hutanalam). Nilaikeragamangenetiktersebutdapatdigunakansebagaiinformasiilmiahuntukupayapengko nservasiangaharu.PadadendrogramNtsys (analisisklaster) terlihatadanyapengelompokangaharuasalhutantanamandanhutanalam, dimanasampelpotongan kayu gaharu dengan asal-usul tidak jelas mengelompokke gaharudari hutanalam. Hal inimengindikasikanbahwakayu gaharu yang diperdagangkan masih berasal dari hutan alam.
Appears in Collections:UT - Silviculture

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