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Title: Effect of heat shock treatment and aloe veera coating to chilling injury sympotom in tomato (Lycopersicon asculantum Mill.)
Other Titles: International Symposium Agricultural Engineering Towards
Authors: Sutrisno
Purwanto, Y. Aris
Edris, Ismi M.
Hutabarat, Olly S.
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: This research was undertaken to determine the effect of length in heat shock and edible coating as pre-storage treatment to Chi ing lnjury el) symptom reflected by ion leakage induc2 and quality properlies in tomato (Lycopersicon asculantum Miil.). Heat shock treatment (HSr) was conducted at three different levels of length, which were, 20; 40 and 60 min. Edible coating was conducted using aloe vera gei. The result showed that Hsr and Aloe vera coating (AVC) were mbre effective to reduce CI symptom at lower chilling storage. prolong exposure to heated water may delay climacteic peak. The length of heat shock; AVC treatment and low temperature storage significantly affected the tomato quality parameter but not significantly different for each treatment except weight /oss. HSf for 20 min at ambieni temperaiure was significaniiy difierent to other treatment.
Appears in Collections:Mechanical & Biosystem Engineering

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