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Title: Pengembangan dan keberlanjutan wisata bahari di wilayah pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil Kota Makassar
Development and sustainability of marine tourism in the coastal areas and small islands of Makassar City
Authors: Yulianda, Fredinan
Bengen, Dietriech Geoffrey
Boer, Mennofatria
Anwar, Rosmawaty
Keywords: Marine Tourism
Carrying Capacity
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: This research aims: (1) to identify the potenty and condition of coastal areas and small islands of Makassar City for developing marine tourism, (2) to analyze suitability and carrying capacity of the coastal and small islands tourism areas of Makassar City for marine tourism development, (3) to analyze sustainability of the marine tourism development in coastal areas and small islands of Makassar City, (4) to formulate policy strategies for marine tourism development in Makassar City. Biogeophysics data are collected by field survey while social, economic, culture and policy data was collected by using interview techniques, supported by secondary data from the previous researches. Data analysis methods are spatial analysis using SIG, suitability and carrying capacity analysis of marine ecotourism, economic valuation analysis using Travel Cost Approach sustainable analysis use the RAPFISH approach, with five attributes i.e. ecology, economic, social-culture, technology and infrastructure, and law and institution. Furthermore, policy analysis use A’WOT (AHP and SWOT integration) approach. The results indicate that tourism area for diving has the largest suitable area i.e. 82,376 ha which are almost available in all islands with carrying capacity of 1435 person/ day. The S1 diving tourism are found in 5 islands and covering larger area (57,431 ha) than that of S2 diving tourism (24,945 ha). The result of Rapsaeco analysis indicate that sustainability on ecological (62.27%), economic (54.03%), social-cultural (55,53%) and law-institution (51.1%) dimensions are sustainable, however, dimension of technology and infrastructure (49,54%) are unsustainable. The results of policy analysis on SWOT components indicate that strength component place the first priority, then followed by threats, opportunities and weaknesses as a second, third and fourth priorities. Based on the analysis of policy strategies on development and sustainability of marine tourism of Makassar City there are 3 policy strategies which placed a high priority i.e. (1) development of snorkling and diving tourism on small islands by rehabilitation of important habitats (0.321) as the first priority, (2) development of coastal tourism on the coastal areas (0.195) as the second priority, and (3) determining of landscape of marine tourism area and infrastructures (0.161) as the third priority.
Pengembangan wisata bahari di Kota Makassar sangatlah prospektif mengingat Kota Makassar terletak di pesisir pantai bagian selatan Pulau Sulawesi dan berbatasan langsung dengan Selat Makassar, sehingga kaya akan sumberdaya hayati laut maupun buatan yang antara lain: memiliki garis pantai sepanjang 35,22 km dan mempunyai 11 pulau-pulau kecil dengan luas keseluruhan 178,5 ha, memiliki panorama pantai dan pemandangan bawah laut yang sangat indah, terdapat berbagai obyek wisata pantai yang telah ada dan cukup terkenal seperti Pantai Losari, serta ditunjang oleh kedudukan Kota Makassar sebagai Water Front City. Kawasan pulau-pulau kecil Kota Makassar berada pada satu gugusan pulau yaitu gugusan Kepulauan Spermonde. Jarak antar pulau sangat dekat. Namun kondisinya saat ini belum siap ”jual” untuk daerah tujuan wisata bahari unggulan. Kondisi terumbu karang di pulau-pulau kecil Kota Makassar sudah sangat mengkhawatirkan akibat laju eksploitasi yang meningkat, akibatnya terjadi penurunan persentase penutupan terumbu karang yang akan berdampak terhadap keberadaan ikan karang dan biota laut lainnya (Depbudpar, 2007). Selain itu, sepanjang garis pantai di Pantai Losari terus mengalami reklamasi ke arah laut yang semakin tidak terkendali untuk pengembangan wisata bahari tanpa memperhitungkan azas kesesuaian dan daya dukung kawasan. Apabila hal ini terus berlanjut, maka diduga akan terjadi degradasi dan disfungsi sumberdaya alam. Agar pengembangan wisata bahari dapat dilaksanakan dengan optimal dan lestari, maka kajian yang meliputi analisis kesesuaian dan daya dukung kawasan, valuasi ekonomi, keberlanjutan dan kebijakan pengembangan sangat diperlukan sehingga tercapai pengembangan destinasi wisata unggulan yang komprehensif dan integral dengan penerapan prinsip wisata berkelanjutan.
Appears in Collections:DT - Fisheries

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