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Title: Pengaruh pengeringbekuan terhadap perubahan morfologi spermatozoa domba
Other Titles: Kumpulan Publikasi Ilmiah 2000-2006
Authors: Saili, Takdir
Setiadi, Mohamad Agus
Agungpriyono, Srihadi
Toelihere, Mozes R
Keywords: freeze drying
membrane plasm
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: Bogor Agriculture University
Abstract: Freeze drying is a technology of choise in cell preservation and have been widely applied in many types of cell include spermatozoa. So far, the successful of freeze drying in spermatozoa is limited only in rodents such as mouse and rabbit. Therefore, the technology should be applied in farm animal such as sheep to prove whether the successful would be obtained. Moreover, the information related to membrane plasm and acrosome status and morphological changes on ram spermatozoa after freeze drying and storage was very poor. The staining procedure was applied to prove the membrane plasm and acrosome changes on spermatozoa. The results revealed that the membrane plasm and acrosome of freeze-dried ram spermatozoa was disrupted and most of spermatozoa have morphological abnormally in its stail. Whereas during storage in refreegerator (4-5°C) up 9 months, both membrane plasm and acrosome and morphological changes on spermatozoa tend to be stable.
Appears in Collections:Anatomy, Phisiology and Pharmacology

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