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Title: Ponggawa dan patronase pertambakan di Delta Mahakam: teori pembentukan ekonomi lokal
Ponggawa and fishpond patronage in Mahakam Delta: a theory on the formation of local economic
Authors: Dharmawan, Arya H.
Soetarto, Endriatmo
Damanhuri, Didin S.
Lenggono, P. Setia
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: The failure of forest management systems in the Third World has led to deterioration of forests and creates poverty enclaves in the villages surroiusly the forest. In this regard, the activities of aquaculture in the Mahakam Delta, which converts “Kawasan Budidaya Kehutanan”, is very interesting to observe because it is likely transform in to aquaculture capitalism. This research aims to reveal historically and contextually, the control of the mangrove forest by Bugis migrants and its effects on the process of a local economic in the Mahakam Delta. This study will use qualitative approach for data collection analysis consist of firstly, an analysis of data from participant observation, in-depth interviews and life history studies. Secondly, analysis of historical data and texts about past event or related to contemporary social phenomena under study. Description of the results of this study, indicates that the formation of local economic occurred as a result of the operation of the fishing industry exports in 1974, which opened the space for the presence of middlemen trader in remove areas that are not able to be handled directly. Among the succeesful local economic are the ponggawa followers, who managed to make extensive efforts to take advantage of the momentum of "excellence at the first opportunity to start", after the trawling banning in 1983. Although the impact on local ecology landscape changes, due to "omission of the state" on Kawasan Budidaya Kehutanan, which become a means of conversion of private aquaculture area. Next they do the "exploitation" through the creation of a monopolistic market structure or monopsonistic,resulting in a pricing mechanism and the provision of goods unilaterally. However, the pattern of aquaculture relationship still leaves reciprocity space inherent in the tradition of “passe’ “, so to reduce the pattern of relationships which ekploitatatif trend. The pattern of patron-client relationship is adaptive as is then able to support the sustainability of capitalism ponds that are full of competition and uncertainty.
Terbentuknya ekonomi lokal dalam masyarakat Bugis perantauan di Delta Mahakam ditandai oleh kemunculan golongan sosial pengusaha perikanan lokal (ponggawa) yang keberadaannya dapat dirunut berikut ini. Pertama, berdasarkan asal-usul sosialnya, dapat disimpulkan bahwa golongan pengusaha perikanan dalam masyarakat Bugis perantauan di Delta Mahakam umumnya berasal dari kelompok non elit/ kelas bawah/ masyarakat ekonomi marginal, terutama dari kalangan orang kebanyakan (to-maradeka) dalam struktur feodal Bugis. Kedua, terkait dengan mekanisme kemunculannya, dapat disimpulkan bahwa golongan pengusaha perikanan (ponggawa) dalam masyarakat Bugis migran di Delta Mahakam, merupakan hasil dari beroperasinya kebijakan pembangunan yang membuka “ruang” bagi terciptanya “berkah terselubung”, akibat absennya negara dalam mengelola hutan negara. Kelangsungan sosial golongan pengusaha lokal mencakup dua dimensi sekaligus. Pertama, berdasarkan dimensi status/ peranan sosial golongan pengusaha lokal di Delta Mahakam, dapat disimpulkan bahwa golongan pengusaha lokal tersebut hadir dan berkembang dalam konteks dan sebagai pendukung ekonomi lokal, dengan ciri-ciri formasi sosial kapitalis yang khas (hybrid). Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa para pengusaha lokal mampu bangkit dan berkembang (survive) tanpa campur-tangan negara, mereka bahkan tumbuh secara progresif, melakukan take over atas perusahaan asing (PMA) dan ikut menopang kertepurukan ekonomi bangsa ketika tertimpa krisis ekonomi 1997/ 1998. Mereka tidak hanya menyumbang terhadap perkembangan pembangunan ekonomi lokal, namun juga menjadi penggerak transformasi sosial-ekonomi masyarakat Delta Mahakam dari masyarakat agraris menjadi masyarakat industri.
Appears in Collections:DT - Human Ecology

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