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Title: Factors influencing to the performances of Rural Extension Center (BPP) and their impacts to the behaviors of ricefield farmers in South Sulawesi
Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi kinerja Balai Penyuluhan Pertanian (BPP) dan dampaknya pada perilaku petani padi di Sulawesi Selatan.
Authors: Jahi, Amri
Gani, Darwis S.
Sarma, Ma’mun
Purnaba, Gusti Putu
Jamil, Muh. Hatta
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Good performances of Rural Extension Center (Balai Penyuluhan Pertanian-BPP) are indicated through action programs that have both direct and indirect impacts to the farmer behavior in terms of increased competencies and participation, so that their agricultural business productivity is increase and sustain. It is expected in longer period that there is an increasing incomes and prosperity of the farmers and their families. This research was aimed to know factors related to the action programs as a representation of BPP performance and relationship between factors that potentially increase BPP performance and their impacts to the behavioral changes of ricefield farmers in South Sulawesi. Population of this research were all BPP located in 15 districts (regencies) in South Sulawesi (176 sub-districts/150 BPP). Determination of samples used Slovin method, number of samples was 109 BPP located within 109 sub-districts. Research design was done based on the ex post facto with method design of survey and interviews using questionnaires. Design of data analysis used approach of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) model applying LISREL program. Results of the research showed that variables of BPP development, BPP management, human resources, guided farmers, BPP resources, and BPP adaptation were significantly influencing the action programs as BPP representative performances with correlation coefficient (R2) was 0.72, the remaining 28 percent was affected by other factors outside of the study. Those factors directly influenced each others both insignificant and significant at α = 0.05. Besides that, they also indirectly influenced farmer behavior as much as 0.78 unit. The influence of action program as representation of BPP performances to the farmer behavior was indicated by correlation coefficient (R2) of 0.61, the remaining 39 percent was influenced by other variables outside of the study. Strategic implication of this research become important to the farmer behaviors, and to the development of BPP performances through action programs to a better direction by considering BPP development, BPP management, human resources, guided farmers, BPP resources and BPP adaptation.
Organisasi penyuluhan pertanian telah mengalami “disorganisasi” saat Indonesia memasuki era otonomi daerah. Kebijakan desentralisasi diterapkan pada beberapa bidang, termasuk bidang pertanian dan penyelenggaraan penyuluhan pertanian dari pemerintahan pusat ke daerah. Pelimpahan tersebut, berimplikasi terhadap struktur dan nomenklatur organisasi penyuluhan. Implikasi lainnya, sumberdaya yang dibutuhkan seperti sarana prasarana dan pembiayaan untuk melaksanakan tugas organisasi BPP secara khusus dan organisasi penyuluhan pertanian secara umum semakin minim dan bahkan tidak jelas. Kinerja organisasi turut menentukan efektivitas dan efisiensi kinerja organisasi dalam menjabarkan dan melaksanakan program aksi Balai Penyuluhan Pertanian (BPP). Hal tersebut diperlihatkan pada minimnya dukungan sumberdaya dan pembiayaan terhadap operasionalisasi BPP, sehingga kinerja organisasi BPP menjadi tidak memadai untuk mendukung tujuan organisasi BPP yang pada akhirnya akan membuat pengejawantahan tugas pokok dan fungsi anggota organisasi dan fungsi BPP tidak sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Kedudukan BPP ditingkat kecamatan sesungguhnya merupakan titik sentral dalam struktur organisasi penyuluhan. Dapat dikatakan sebagai organisasi penyelenggaraan perubahan, karena BPP menerima pelimpahan tugas dari atas atau menerjemahkan kebijakan yang dirumuskan dari struktur atas, tetapi disisi lain juga dituntut memahami permasalahan dan menyelami aspirasi dari bawah (petani), kemudian menyelenggarakan penyuluhan pada wilayahnya. Karena itu, perumusan program aksi BPP harus terus dibangun dan dilengkapi untuk mendorong kinerja BPP.
Appears in Collections:DT - Human Ecology

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