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Title: Kecernaan Nutrien dan Performa Produksi Sapi Potong Peranakan Ongole (PO) yang diberi Tepung Lerak (Sapindus rarak) dalam Ransum
Authors: Suharti, Sri
Astuti, D.A.
Wina, E.
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: This research was aimed of utilizing Lerak fruit meal to improve the performance and feed digestibility of beef cattle. The research consisted of two activities (in vitro and in vivo studies). The in vitro activities were screening of bioactive compounds (saponin, tanin, dan diosgenin) in Lerak fruit (including seed) and continued to evaluate the effectivity of these compounds against ruminal protozoa. The in vivo study was done using 12 Ongole Crossbreed cattle which received 3 different treatments were: 1) concentrate without Lerak as control, 2) concentrate containing 2.5% Lerak, and 3) concentrate containing 5% Lerak. Anti protozoal activity, daily gain, and nutrient disgestibility of beef cattle were measured. Results showed that saponin concentration in Lerak extracted by methanol was higher than in Lerak extracted by water and Lerak meal, 81.5%; 8.2% and 3.85% respectively. Lerak extracted by methanol have higher antiprotozoal activity in vitro than Lerak extracted by water. In vivo experiment showed that there were no significant differences (P>0.05) of nutrient intake and digestibility in all treatments, that means the ration had good palatability and quality. Average daily gain of PO fed with 2.5% Lerak was 20% higher than that with control diet (0.9 kg/day).
Appears in Collections:UT - Nutrition and Feed Technology

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