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dc.contributor.advisorSitorus, Santun R.P.
dc.contributor.advisorSutandi, Atang
dc.contributor.authorYulisa, Rita
dc.description.abstractIndonesia is an archipelago that has many border areas with other countries in the region of sea and land. In West Kalimantan border there are 5 district border, namely are Sambas District, Bengkayang, Sanggau, Sintang, and Kapuas Hulu District. The border region of a country has a strategic value in supporting the success of national development, especially in the aspect of political, economic, and ecological. Border areas of natural resource potential is quite large and very high economic value, yet can be put to good use. The research was conducted in 5 districts in West Kalimantan border and aims to determine the level of development of regions, Leading sectors, the level of disparity that occurred in the border regions and the factors causing the disparity, further research will be able to provide recommendations in the process of border regional development policy. Analytical methods used to achieve these objectives include skalogram analysis, analysis of LQ and SSA, Williamson index and Theil Entropy Index, and Spatial Econometrics. The results obtained by the analysis that the level of development of border districts in the county is still dominated by 3 hierarchy and 2 hierarchy, which means that the facilities and infrastructure in almost all sub-district boundary is uneven and inadequate, both non-border districts and district boundaries. Leading sectors in the three border districts of Sambas District, Sanggau, and Kapuas Hulu District is the agricultural sector, but it is trade, hotels, and restaurants, transport and communication sector, financial sector, rental and service companies, as well as the service sector. The mining sector is a sector that has the potential to be developed in some districts such as districts Paloh in Sambas district, and some non-border districts in the District and other Kapuas Hulu. Disparity analysis results showed that there was disparity sub districts in the border counties with Williamson index value of 0.54. Disparities that occur in the form of disparities within each group the Border District Area (WKP) and the Non-Border District Area groups (WKNP). The factors that cause disparities in the border region is a factor of its own sub-regional GDP (GDP), and the surrounding district GRDP (W_PDRB), as well as factors that occur in the sub-district disparities around (W_Disparitas). Disparities that occurred in the border districts should be dealt with simultaneously and to put forward a comprehensive approach to prosperity than the approach to safety. Construction of basic infrastructure, especially infrastructure for basic social service needs should be a priority in the district border. Efforts to improve the local economy should be based on resource potential and to create linkages between sectors in one district and inter-sectoral linkages with the surrounding districts.en
dc.description.abstractIndonesia merupakan negara kepulauan yang banyak memiliki wilayah perbatasan dengan negara lain yang berada di kawasan laut dan darat. Perbatasan Darat Indonesia-Malaysia di Pulau Kalimantan secara administratif meliputi 2 (dua) provinsi yaitu Provinsi Kalimantan Barat dan Kalimantan Timur. Di Kalimantan Barat sendiri terdapat 5 Kabupaten perbatasan diantaranya Kabupaten Sambas, Bengkayang, Sanggau, Sintang, dan Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu. Wilayah perbatasan suatu negara memiliki nilai strategis dalam mendukung keberhasilan pembangunan nasional terutama dalam aspek politik, ekonomi, dan ekologi. Potensi sumberdaya alam wilayah perbatasan yang cukup besar dan bernilai ekonomi sangat tinggi, belum dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Wilayah perbatasan cenderung menjadi beban karena sebagian besar wilayah perbatasan masih merupakan daerah tertinggal dengan sarana dan prasarana sosial dan ekonomi yang masih sangat terbatas. Secara umum infrastruktur sosial ekonomi di kawasan ini, baik dalam aspek pendidikan, kesehatan, maupun sarana prasarana penunjang wilayah masih memerlukan banyak peningkatan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di 5 kabupaten perbatasan di Kalimantan Barat dan bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat perkembangan wilayah, sektor unggulan, tingkat disparitas yang terjadi di daerah perbatasan serta faktor-faktor penyebab terjadinya disparitas, lebih jauh lagi penelitian ini nantinya dapat memberikan masukan/rekomendasi dalam proses penyusunan kebijakan pembangunan daerah perbatasan. Metode analisis yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut diantaranya adalah analisis skalogram, analisis LQ dan SSA, Indeks Williamson dan Theil Indeks Entropy, dan Ekonometrika
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectborder disparityen
dc.subjectregional developmenten
dc.titleAnalysis of regional development and disparities in regional development border and non-border in West Kalimantanen
dc.titleAnalisis perkembangan wilayah dan disparitas pembangunan wilayah perbatasan dan non-perbatasan di Kalimantan Baratid
Appears in Collections:MT - Agriculture

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