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Title: In vitro regeneration of terubuk (Saccharum edule)
Regenerasi terubuk (Saccharum edule) secara in vitro
Authors: Purwito, Agus
Susila, Anas D.
Arsela, Primadiyanti
Keywords: flower stalks
Saccharum edule
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Terubuk is one of the potential vegetable known as cauliflower sugarcane. It is characterized by unusual, swollen and aborted inflorescences, which is sweet and edible. The inflorescences are used as a source of food in Fiji, New Guinea, Indonesia and Malaysia by the indigenous people. The inflorescences are abnormal in the sense that they remain enclosed within the leaf-sheaths, forming a compact mass about the size of a banana fruit. Terubuk is produced and consumed locally and traded in local market only. In Indonesian’s traditional market, it is sold in bunches of 10. Terubuk is closely related to Saccharum officinarum, S. spontaneum, and S. robustum. It is exclusively propagated by cuttings or by division of clumps. To provide more inflorescences, it needs higher plants production. Its production needs cutting materials or propagules. Conventional propagation requires a lot of planting material. Tissue culture is an alternative propagation technique to solve the inavailability of plant material. The objective of this research was to obtain the best method to propagate terubuk using in vitro micropropagation through direct and indirect organogenesis. Flower stalks were used as explants. The explant’s sterilization was done by spraying the inflorescences with alcohol 96 %, then the flower was burnt. The indirect organogenesis using calli induction showed that the best medium was MS + 3.0 mg l-1 2,4-D + 1.0 mg l-1 kinetin. This media did not produce shoots from calli proliferation stage. It was only able to produce roots. The other method was by direct organogenesis. It was shown that the best medium was MS + 0.25 mg l-1 thidiazuron + 0.1 mg l-1 NAA + 0.25 mg l-1 GA3 to produce shoots in 2 weeks without putting the explants in calli induction medium. Shoots obtained through the media varied in size. Only shoot with 1-3 cm in size were rooted. Root formation required full strength of MS salt. The percentage of success in rooting ranged from 50-80%. Acclimatization has been done, however, after 2 weeks the planlet did not survive.
Terubuk merupakan salah satu sayuran indigenous yang berasal dari Fiji, New Guinea, Indonesia dan Malaysia. Bunga terubuk dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan makanan karena mengandung nilai gizi dan vitamin. Bunga terubuk juga dikenal sebagai cauliflower sugarcane karena tekstur bunganya yang sangat mirip dengan tekstur bunga kol (cauliflower). Bunga terubuk berukuran antara 8-12 cm terbungkus dalam beberapa lapisan kelobot yang berada di bagian pucuk tanaman. Terubuk berkerabat dekat dengan tebu (Saccharum officinarum) dan gelagah (S. spontaneum), akan tetapi batang terubuk tidak begitu manis. Permintaan bunga terubuk yang dijual sekitar 10 bunga per ikat cukup tinggi di pasar tradisional. Perbanyakan tanaman ini hanya dilakukan dengan setek batang karena bunga terubuk merupakan bunga tidak normal yang tidak dapat menghasilkan biji. Ketersediaan bibit dibatasi oleh ketersediaan setek batang. Diperlukan suatu alternatif perbanyakan tanaman ini. Metode kultur jaringan merupakan suatu metode perbanyakan yang dapat memecahkan permasalahan bibit. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari respon perbanyakan terubuk secara kultur jaringan dengan prosedur awal mengeksplorasi bagian tanaman yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan tanam in vitro. “Janggle” merupakan bagian dari bunga terubuk yang dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan tanam in vitro. Kegiatan sterilisasi bagian bunga terubuk adalah dengan menyikat bunga menggunakan sabun dalam air mengalir sambil mengupas beberapa helai kelobot bunga. Kegiatan sterilisasi dalam laminar adalah dengan menyemprotkan alkohol 96 % pada permukaan bunga, membakarnya, dan mengupas sampai habis kelobot yang melindungi bunga. Kultur jaringan tanaman terubuk dilakukan melalui lintasan organogenesis secara langsung dan tidak langsung.
Appears in Collections:MT - Agriculture

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