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Title: Feasibility Study and Strategy Development of “Kredit Usaha Rakyat” at PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk)
Kajian Kelayakan dan Strategi Pengembangan Kredit Usaha Rakyat di PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
Authors: Hubeis, Musa
Sukmawati, Anggraini
Juhaeri, Herry
Keywords: External and Internal Factors
People's Business Credit
Small and Medium Enterprises
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: Small and Medium Enterprises Sector (SMEs) are considered to have contributed quite dominant in supporting economic growth in Indonesia, but the portion of credit to SMEs is still considered low, the average is 34.20% in the last three years. Especially for BNI KUR (Kredit Usaha Rakyat), per share of 9.86% in October 2010 when compared with other implementing banks. Related to the low absorptive capacity of SMEs to bank credit implies still many problems in the financing of SMEs who need to look for the threads. The purpose of this study is to analyze the behavior characteristics and SMEs as well as compliance with credit schemes/patterns of the most appropriate financing, analyzing the obstacles and constraints in the distribution of KUR BNI to the perpetrators of SMEs and to develop effective strategies to increase the share of BNI KUR. Data was collected through questionnaires distributed to the debtor at some branches of KUR BNI debtor as many as 100 people in 10 (ten) cities in Indonesia by using the services of third parties. Sampling techniques used in research is purposive sampling methods, ie deliberately selecting the studied samples as a respondent. While the secondary data sourced from documents and literature relating to the distribution pattern of KUR. The method of analysis in this study were (1) Qualitative Descriptive Analysis, (2) Chi square (𝑥2), 3) Analysis of Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat (SWOT), and (4) Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix. In accordance with characteristic and behaviors of SMEs are still experiencing limitations in administrative and managerial skills because the educational background that is still relatively low, the pattern of KUR is considered to be in accordance with SMEs. Until now the distribution of KUR BNI still encountering many obstacles, including lack of uniform understanding among relevant parties so that the impact on KUR absorption by SMEs. BNI specifically, the spotlight is still a lack of outlets so that the prospective debtor credit processors (especially in the area) is relatively difficult to reach the outlet of BNI. The other main obstacle is the lack of promotion of BNI in disseminating and promoting the officers in addition to processing credit KUR that still need to be added. The observations show that KUR accordance with SMEs is 84% and the states agree there is still a constraint of 79%. Both of these conditions is reinforced by Chi square test that produces a real level. Based on the SWOT analysis, which is the strength (Strength) BNI KUR are (1) Corporate Image BNI position is strong, (2) Office Network BNI widespread and adequate capital support. The weakness (Weakness) is the lack of credit processing outlets, lack of promotion and lack of processing power KUR Credit. The opportunities (Opportunities) is a market share of financing KUR, the regional autonomy policy, and government policies towards SMEs. While that is a threat (threats) is a widespread BRI outlets to the country, local government support to the BPD and the aggressiveness of BPR. Based on the above conditions, then the IE matrix which refers to the total value amounting to 3.15 matris IFE and EFE matrix value of 3.21, the position of BNI KUR financing for SMEs lies in cell, is “growth”. Appropriate strategies to be applied to these cells is intensive strategies such as market_penetration
Sektor Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) dinilai memiliki kontribusi cukup dominan dalam menunjang pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia yang menurut catatan Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) sepanjang tahun 2009, berkontribusi 53,32% dan sisanya ditunjang oleh sektor-sektor usaha besar. Dalam hal kredit, porsi kredit UKM dinilai masih rendah, dalam tahun 2006-2010, kredit Perbankan untuk sektor UMKM terhadap total kredit yang disalurkan adalah 34,20%, dengan sebagian besar lainnya berupa kredit untuk segmen korporasi. Khusus untuk BNI KUR (Kredit Usaha Rakyat), per Oktober 2010 pangsanya 9,86% bila dibandingkan dengan bank pelaksana lainnya. Untuk mampu bersaing dan mengoptimalkan pendapatan bunga dari sektor lending (pinjaman), bank dituntut mampu meningkatkan portofolio pinjaman, khususnya kredit mass product seperti BNI KUR Tujuan penelitian ini: (1) Menganalisa karakteristik dan perilaku UKM, serta kesesuaiannya dengan skim kredit/pola pembiayaan yang paling tepat; (2) Menganalisa hambatan dan kendala dalam penyaluran BNI KUR kepada para pelaku UKM; (3) Menyusun strategi efektif untuk meningkatkan pangsa BNI KUR. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner kepada 100 orang debitur BNI KUR di beberapa cabang BNI di 10 (sepuluh) kota di Indonesia dengan menggunakan jasa pihak ketiga. Teknik pengambilan contoh yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode purposive sampling. Metode ini digunakan dengan dasar pertimbangan responden menguasai permasalahan dan cukup mewakili aspirasi dari pihak-pihak yang terkait. Data sekunder bersumber dari dokumen dan literatur-literatur yang berkaitan dengan pola penyaluran KUR. Metode analisis dalam kajian ini adalah (1) Analisis Deskriptif Kualitatif,(2) Khi Kuadrat, 3) Analisis Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (SWOT). Dan (4) Matriks Boston Consulting Group (BCG).
Appears in Collections:MT - Professional Master

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