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dc.contributor.advisorPandji, Chilwan
dc.contributor.authorRandini, Lydia Stefani
dc.description.abstractNowadays, biodegradable plastics are starting developed because biodegradable plastics are more environmentally friendly than plastic synthetics. The applications of biodegradable plastic is used for packaging fruits. This research aims to get the information about: (1) The characteristics of Cavendish bananas that used in this research, (2) The effects of packaging materials, temperatures storage and the combination of both for quality changes on Cavendish bananas during storage. Cavendish bananas were stored in two types of packaging materials as perforated HDPE plastic and biodegradable plastic, also on three different levels temperature as 28-31oC, 25-26oC and 6-7oC. The results show that moisture content 74.77% is the main component of Cavendish banana. During storage, perforated HDPE plastic could prevent the changes value of Cavendish banana weight loss. Temperature storage 6-7oC generally prevents the changes value of Cavendish banana weight loss, fruit softening, and water content. The combination of perforated HDPE plastic and temperature 6-7oC effective in prevent the changes value of weight loss, whereas the combination of biodegradable plastics and temperature 6-7oC effective in prevent fruit softening. The results of sensory evaluation test show on third days, panelists prefer the bananas which stored in combination of perforated HDPE plastic and temperature 25-26oC for skin color, taste, and acceptance criteria. On fifth days, panelists prefer the bananas which stored in biodegradable plastics and temperature 28-31oC for skin color and acceptance criteria, whereas on seventh days, panelists prefer the bananas which stored in combination of biodegradable plastics and temperature 25-26oC for all criterias.en
dc.subjectbiodegradable plasticen
dc.subjectCavendish bananaen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titlePengaruh Jenis Bahan Pengemas Terhadap Perubahan Mutu Buah Pisang Cavendish (Musa cavendishii.) Selama Penyimpanan pada Suhu yang Berbedaen
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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