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Title: Tingkat Partisipasi Pengasuh Pohon dalam Program Pohon Asuh di Gunung Hambalang, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat
Participation Levels of Tree Nurses in Tree Nursing Program of Mount Hambalang, Bogor Regency, West Java
Authors: Purwawangsa, Handian
Meitasari, Nenden
Keywords: Participative Forest Managemen
Nursing Tree
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: In participative forest management, the first indicator of its implementation in the field is tree planting. The tree planting program example reforestation and GN-RHL which has been conducted showed no significant results. It is because there was no clear tree nursing management. In this condition, the participation of community and stakeholders is badly needed to take care of planted trees, and it can actually be realized through tree nursing program. This research was aimed at finding out the participation level of tree nurses, identifying the success level of tree nursing program, and learning the influential factors of tree nursing participation level. This study was conducted in February 2011 using a respondent selection method of Purposive sampling. There were 19 respondents involved together with the trees under their care. An analysis of Rank Correlation Spearman (rs) with SPSS 16.0 for windows was carried out to learn the factors which had a significant effect on the level of respondent participation. The research result indicated that the level of tree nursing participation at the planning stage which had an average score of 2.17 belonged to a medium category and made a medium sense of identification, where the distribution of tree nurses was 50% which is of low participation. The participation level of tree nurses at the implementation stage which had an average score of 5.67 belonged to a high category and made a high sense of integrity, where the distribution of tree nurses was 93.33% which is of high participation. In general, the participation level of tree nurses in tree nursing program had an average score of 7.83, which belonged to a high category with a tree nursing distribution of 71.67% which is of high participation level. After one year of nursing, the number of trees growing was as many as 1240 trees (92.95%), which is of a very high category. The trees with a medium growth category (41%-60%) were jackfruit, breadfruit, and suren trees. The number of healthy trees was 1138 trees (91.77%), belonging to a very healthy category. The unhealthy trees were attacked by pest and plant disease. Based on the decree of Forestry Minister No. P.03/Menhut-V/2004, so far Tree Nursing Program has been successful with a growth percentage of more 50%. The characteristics of respondents which had a significant effect on the participation level of respondents at the planning stage were age and distance, playing a role of 21.16% and 21.18% respectively. The more productive the age and the nearer the distance to the location of the trees being taken care of, the higher the participation level of tree nurses at the planning stage. At the implementation stage, the characteristic which had a significant effect was the number of family members (burden), playing a role of 25%. The more people under the respondent’s responsibility, the more active the participation of the respondent at the implementation stage in tree nursing activity.
Dalam pengelolaan hutan partisipatif indikator pertama pelaksanaanya di lapangan adalah penanaman pohon. Program penanaman pohon seperti Reboisasi dan GN-RHL yang telah dilakukan tidak menunjukan hasil signifikan. Hal ini karena belum adanya manajemen pemeliharaan pohon yang jelas. Pada kondisi ini, partisipasi masyarakat dan stakeholder sangat diperlukan untuk memelihara pohon yang ditanam, dapat diwujudkan dalam program Pohon Asuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui tingkat partisipasi pengasuh pohon, mengidentifikasi tingkat keberhasilan program Pohon Asuh, mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat partisipasi pengasuh pohon. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari 2011 dengan pemilihan responden menggunakan metode Purposive sampling. Jumlah responden sebanyak 19 responden beserta pengamatan tanaman asuh yang dipelihara responden. Untuk mengetahui faktorfaktor yang berpengaruh nyata terhadap tingkat partisipasi responden digunakan analisis Rank Correlation Spearman (rs) dengan SPSS 16.0 for windows. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tingkat partisipasi pengasuh pohon tahap perencanaan memiliki skor rata-rata 2,17 termasuk kategori sedang dan melahirkan sense of identification yang sedang, distribusi pengasuh pohon 50% berada dalam partisipasi rendah. Tingkat partisipasi pengasuh pohon tahap pelaksanaan memiliki skor rata-rata 5,67 termasuk kategori tinggi dan melahirkan sense of integrity yang tinggi, distribusi pengasuh pohon 93,33% berada dalam partisipasi tinggi. Secara umum tingkat partisipasi pengasuh pohon dalam program Pohon Asuh memiliki skor rata-rata 7,83 termasuk kategori tinggi dengan distribusi pengasuh pohon 71,67% berada dalam partisipasi tinggi. Perkembangan tanaman asuh setelah pemeliharaan selama satu tahun yaitu jumlah tanaman tumbuh sebanyak 1240 pohon (92,95%) termasuk kategori sangat tinggi. Tanaman yang kelas tumbuhnya sedang (41% - 60%) yaitu Nangka, Sukun dan Suren. Jumlah tanaman sehat sebanyak 1138 pohon asuh (91,77%) termasuk kategori sehat sekali. Adanya tanaman tidak sehat disebabkan serangan hama dan penyakit. Berdasarkan Permenhut No. P.03/Menhut-V/2004 maka program Pohon Asuh sejauh ini dapat dikatakan berhasil dengan persentase tumbuh lebih dari 50%. Karakteristik responden yang berpengaruh nyata terhadap tingkat partisipasi responden tahap perencanaan adalah umur dan jarak tempuh dengan besarnya peranan 21,16% dan 21,81%. Pada usia semakin produktif dan semakin dekat jarak tempuh ke lokasi Pohon Asuh maka semakin tinggi tingkat partisipasi pengasuh pohon pada tahap perencanaan. Pada tahap pelaksanaan karakteristik yang berpengaruh nyata adalah jumlah tanggungan keluarga dengan besarnya peranan 25,00%. Semakin banyak jumlah tanggungan keluarga maka responden akan semakin berpartisipasi aktif dalam kegiatan Pohon Asuh tahap pelaksanaan.
Appears in Collections:UT - Forest Management

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