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dc.contributor.authorM. Ridla
dc.description.abstractThree silages made from barley straw ensiled into 150 kg capacities silos with and without additive application. The treatments were control untreated (UT), glucose (GL) and cellulase+glucose (CLG). All samples were ensiled then opened after two months storage period. Each silage was fed to three mature wether sheep supplemented with dry brewer* grain (60 % silage : 40 % brewer' grain, DM bases). All silages were well preserved in term of low pH values and high lactic acid concentration. NDF and ADF contents of CLG silage were lower thqn those of UT silage. Apparent digestibility for DM and OM of CLG silage were lower that those of GL silage and were similar with those UT silage. The TDN of silages supplemented with brewer's grains was 53.6, 57.7 and 52.2 respectively for UT, GL and CLG silages.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleKualitas fermentasi silage jerami yang mendapat perlakuan penambahan enzim selulase dan daya cernanya pada ternak dombaen
Appears in Collections:Nutritional Sciencies and Feed Technology

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