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dc.contributor.advisorSutjahjo, Surjono H.
dc.contributor.advisorHerison, Catur
dc.contributor.authorBudiarto Rumajomi, Hermanus
dc.description.abstractAgropolitan estate development in the Regency of Jayapura is less sustainable. Of the five dimensions are analyzed to determine the status of sustainability of regional development, there are two dimensions that are categorized as showed quite sustainable (score 50-75), namely the economic dimension with a value of 53.2 index; and social dimensions (67.0). While the dimensions are less sustainable (score <50) is the dimension of ecology with an index value of 48.5; dimensions of technology (40.5), and institutional dimensions (49.3). The dimensions of ecological, technological, and institutional become the most important thing to consider in the development activities agropolitan Jayapura region because it has a sustainability index score <50. There are five key factors to consider in order to meet the future needs of stakeholders in the development of region-based agropolitan beef cattle in Jayapura District, namely: the improvement of maintenance systems, facilities and infrastructure development of agribusiness, the construction of artificial insemination post, the availability of financial institution that provides easy-interest loans lower for beef cattle raising business capital and the support of local government policy in the form of changes in budget revenues and expenditures livestock sub-sector. The design of development policies formulated by taking into account the area agropolitan key factors that have been generated from the preceding analysis. It also include the results of regional development policy review agropolitan. The formulation of this policy is carried out through FGDs with stakeholders and experts. The formulation of regional development policy design agropolitan are: (1) Improving the quality of human resources, especially farmers and ranchers farm actors through training and education, (2) Development and maintenance of infrastructure and facilities for the region to support the development of the region, (3) Increasing the number of beef cattle traded with agricultural commodities that can improve the welfare of the community, (4) Developing and strengthening partnerships in support of farming beef cattle agribusiness development activities, (5) Improvement of investment climate and increased government investment and entrepreneurs, and (6) Development of cultivation technology and the improvement of agriculture and animal husbandry agricultural business management. Regional development policy alternatives agropolitan continuing the priorities are: improving and strengthening partnerships in support of agribusiness farm commodities of superior livestock. To realize the policy is agreed upon policy implementation strategy are: to develop quality human resources in the region in strengthening the partnership agropolitan, implement construction and maintenance of facilities and infrastructure to support increased business and investment partnerships, developing economies in the region mengintensitaskan agropolitan with beef cattle population and productivity agriculture that can support business partnerships in accelerating economic growth and implement policies to improve the system of business partnerships and rental growth in the financial sector as a source of capital that can contribute to the welfare of the community by conducting inter-regional cooperation in promoting the growth of industrial sector in the region through efforts to increase the power industrial competitiveness by developing a network pattern of industrial clusters as its foundation.en
dc.description.abstractPendekatan pembangunan di perdesaan harus dilakukan tidak hanya pada kegiatan fisik, namun yang lebih penting sebagai entry point-nya adalah kegiatan ekonomi berdasarkan pada potensi unggulan di masing-masing wilayah. Terkait dengan pendekatan ini maka melalui konsep pembangunan kawasan agropolitan menjadi relevan untuk dilaksanakan di daerah perdesaan. Pengembangan kawasan agropolitan ini diharapkan dapat berfungsi sebagai pusat pertumbuhan ekonomi yang mendorong pertumbuhan pembangunan perdesaan dan desa-desa hinterland atau wilayah sekitarnya melalui pengembangan ekonomi yang tidak terbatas sebagai pusat pelayanan sektor pertanian, tetapi juga pembangunan sektor secara luas seperti usaha pertanian (on farm dan off farm), industri kecil, pariwisata, jasa pelayanan, dan pelayanan lainnya. Sektor agribisnis merupakan sektor usaha yang memanfaatkan sumberdaya manusia dan sumberdaya alam yang memberikan sumbangan sangat besar bagi pembangunan Indonesia. Sumbangan sektor agribisnis terutama terlihat pada masa krisis, masih sanggup memberikan devisa negara dengan meningkatnya nilai ekspor komoditas
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectPriority Commoditiesen
dc.subjectCattle Agribusinessen
dc.titleDevelopment of agropolitan policy model based on regional sustainable agribusiness livestock In Jayapura Regencyen
dc.titlePengembangan model kebijakan kawasan agropolitan berbasis agribisnis peternakan yang berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Jayapuraid, A.Md 2013-01-10 Edit: Pembimbing, Keyword
Appears in Collections:DT - Multidiciplinary Program

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