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Title: Keragaman dan tanggap pertumbuhan serta produksi asiatikosida pegagan (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban) pada ketinggian tempat dan naungan yang berbeda.
Variability and growth response and asiaticoside production of asiatic pennywort (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban) at different site elevations and shades.
Authors: Ghulamahdi, Munif
Darusman, Latifah Kosim
Aziz, Sandra Arifin
Bermawie, Nurliani
Martono, Budi
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: In developing products derived from asiatic pennywort there is a lack of guarantee in terms of raw material supply and quality. To support such needs, standardized plant material will ensure production level and quality. The objectives of this research were: 1) to obtain information of the genetic parameters, i.e. of asiatic pennywort morphological characters and criterion of selection to produce high content of asiaticoside and dry shoot production, obtaining asiatic pennywort accessions which have high content of asiaticoside and dry shoot production, and information about the result of asiatic pennywort selection based on independent culling level, a single selection, weighted and unweighted standardized selection indexes, 2) to analyse and evaluate genetic distances of 17 accessions asiatic pennywort based on morphological, RAPD, and the data of markers combination, and 3) to obtain response of the growth and asiaticoside production of six asiatic pennywort plant accessions in different shades on low and high elevation areas. Results of the research showed that number of leaf; length, width, and leaf area: number of vein leaf, and segment length on the longest stolon have wide genetic variability and high heritability. The length and diameter of leaf petiole: leaf thickness, number of runner, content and production of asiaticoside that showed narrow genetic variability and heritability from low to moderate. Narrow genetic variability and high heritability were shown by characters of dry shoot weight. Direct selection toward dry shoot production could be conducted through selection of leaf area. The selection indicated that 4 accessions of asiatic pennywort showed high content of asiaticoside and dry shoot weight, namely Casi 016, Casi 003, Casi 008, and Casi 002. Grouping of asiatic pennywort accessions based on morphological, RAPD, and the basis of markers combination divided the 17 accessions of asiatic pennywort into 4, 5, and 4 groups at similarity level of 0.33, 0.73, and 0.72, respectively. In high elevation, highest production of asiaticoside (2.34 g m-2) and content of asiaticoside above MMI standard (1.33%) occured in Casi 002 planted without shade.
Permasalahan dalam pengembangan produk yang berasal dari pegagan (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban) adalah tidak terjaminnya pasokan bahan baku dan mutu, karena selama ini pegagan diambil langsung dari alam tanpa usaha pembudidayaan. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut maka diperlukan usaha-usaha budidaya dengan menggunakan bahan tanaman unggul dan cara budidaya yang tepat untuk mendapatkan produktivitas yang optimal. Untuk melaksanakan program ini, maka diperlukan informasi tentang pendugaan parameter genetik, analisis lintas, seleksi plasma nutfah pegagan berdasarkan seleksi penyisihan bebas bertingkat, seleksi tunggal, indeks seleksi terboboti dan tidak terboboti; keragaman plasma nutfah pegagan berdasarkan penanda morfologi, molekuler, dan gabungan, serta pengujian beberapa aksesi pegagan di dataran rendah dan dataran tinggi pada naungan yang berbeda (tanpa naungan, naungan 25 dan 55%). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) menduga keragaman genetik dan heritabilitas beberapa karakter kuantitatif pegagan, mendapatkan informasi tentang karakter yang dapat digunakan sebagai kriteria seleksi kadar asiatikosida dan produksi terna kering yang tinggi, dan mendapatkan aksesi pegagan dengan kadar asiatikosida dan bobot terna kering yang tinggi berdasarkan seleksi penyisihan bebas bertingkat serta membandingkan hasil seleksi berdasarkan seleksi penyisihan bebas bertingkat, seleksi tunggal, indeks seleksi terboboti dan tidak terboboti, (2) menganalisis dan mengevaluasi jarak kedekatan genetik pada 17 aksesi pegagan berdasarkan penanda morfologi, penanda RAPD, dan data gabungan, dan (3) memperoleh informasi tentang tanggap pertumbuhan dan produksi asiatikosida 6 aksesi pegagan terhadap perlakuan naungan di dataran rendah dan tinggi.
Appears in Collections:DT - Agriculture

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