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Title: Design of waterfront city management policy in Semarang Coastal Zone
Desain kebijakan pengelolaan water front city Pesisir Semarang
Authors: Marimin
Nurjaya, I Wayan
Budiharsono, Sugeng
Central Java
Laras, Bambang Kanti
Keywords: Sustainable environment
Coastal and marine zone
Dynamic and spatial dynamic system
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Semarang Waterfront City is a unique ecosystem with a great variety of potentialities as well as problems in the utilization of natural resources, particularly in the trade-off between economic growth and ecological preservation. Based on those conditions, firstly the research is mainly focused upon designing some scenarios on environmental management, which ensure a profitable synergy of all stakeholders without sacrificing the principles of environmental conservation. Secondly, it is to design an interaction model among variables in the bio-physic, economy and social subsystems, in order to increase sources of learning and sustainable use of natural resources. Using a dynamic system, the main inputs of the designed model are the feasibility of natural resources management as a product of extended cost-benefit analysis (ECBA), the suitable option of natural resources management, as an input of comparative performance index (CPI), the integrated sustainability of using Multidimensional Scaling, the suitable land-use planning through geographic information system (GIS). From those main inputs the waterfront city environmental management policy can be observed as an output of analytical hierarchy processes (AHP). The feasibility study shows that all of natural resources management options are feasible to be developed, where sustainable management, sustainable harvest and beach protected areas depict the most feasible management options. Based on the results of the integrated sustainability research using Multidimension Scaling, the management of waterfront cities has to prioritize attention to the four important factors, i.e., (1) the issues of erossion, abrassion and sedimentation; (2) community assesment to waterfront and open unimployment; (3) disaster mitigation; (4) harbour and ecoport technology.
Kota Semarang berada pada kawasan pesisir utara Jawa mempunyai letak sangat strategis karena terletak pada lintas perdagangan internasional dan mempunyai potensi besar untuk menjadi kota tepian air berkelas dunia. Di sisi lain, Semarang Kota Tepian Air dengan ekosistemnya yang unik mempunyai kendala dan masalah dalam: (1) pemanfaatan sumberdaya alamnya, terutama di dalam pemilihan/pengutamaan antara pertumbuhan ekonomi dan perlindungan /konservasi ekologi. (2) Kawasan Semarang Kota Tepian Air mempunyai kendala rutin dan menahun berupa banjir (akibat pasang-surut air laut, kenaikan muka laut), pencemaran badan air oleh limbah industri/non industri, intrusi air laut yang menyiratkan bahwa kebijakan Kota Semarang belum mempertimbangkan kesinambungan hidup air. Sementara, kota-kota besar dunia yang beradab dan termashur kebanyakan adalah kota-kota yang dibangun dekat sumber air (New York, Sydney, Los Angeles, Miami, Amsterdam dan sebagainya).
Appears in Collections:DT - Multidiciplinary Program

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