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Title: Pengaruh biskuit multigizi ibu hamil dan pemberian asi ekslusif terhadap perkembangan motorik bayi pada usia enam bulan
Authors: Briawan, Dodik
Sunarti, Euis
Herawati, Tin
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
exclusive breastfeeding, pregnant women
motoric development
fortified biscuit
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: This research is aimed to analize the effect micronutrients fortified biscuit (MFB) on motoric development of six month infant. The experimental random control trial was applied into four treatment groups and one control group (Placebo) : group I given biscuits fortified with vitamin A, folat acid and Fe; group II given biscuits fortified with vitamin A, folat acid, Fe and zinc; group III given biscuits fortified with vitamin A, folat acid, Fe, and iodine; group IV given biscuits fortified with vitamin A, folat acid, Fe, zinc and iodine; and group V as a placebo. The research was carried out at 35 villages at Leuwiliang Subdistrict and Cibungbulang Subdistrict, Bogor District from February 1999 until January 2000. At the beginning of intervention 269 pregnant women were selected and at the last was 234 people. This study examine 170 infants as samples that could be analized and measured their development at the aged of six month. The infant group IV (biscuit fortified with vitamin A, folat acid, Fe, zinc and iodine) had better motoric development rate than others. Fortified biscuit of group IV, exclusive breastfeeding, birth weight and the L/A z score had affected the motoric development of six month infant.
Appears in Collections:Media Gizi dan Keluarga

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