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Title: Feasibility Study and the Development Strategy of Nil Tilapia Farmer Groups in Gemah Parahiyangan Karawang District
Kelayakan Usaha dan Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Pembenihan Ikan Nila Pada Kelompok Tani Gemah Parahiyangan Kecamatan Cilebar Kabupaten Karawang
Authors: Sumantadinata, Komar
Syamsun, Muhammad
Keywords: development strategy
farmer group
nil tilapia
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: Recently nil tilapia (Oreochromisniloticus) cultures are being practiced in floating net cages, brackish water ponds and running water ponds. Rapid development of nil tilapia culture area in Bekasi, Karawang and Purwakarta Districts required a lot of nil tilapia fries. In parallel, nil tilapia hatcheries are developed in many areas, especially the small scale hatcheries. Nil tilapia hatcheries are very profitable due to the low capital, simple technology and relatively short time culture period. Nil tilapia culturists are grouped at least into 3 segments, namely (i) breeding farmers, (ii) first nursery farmers and (iii) secondary nursery farmers. Breeding farmers, first nursery farmers and secondary nursery farmers produce 1,5-1,7 cm, 2-4 cm and 5-7 cm fries, respectively. The objectives of the study are (i) to identify the internal and external factors of the nil tilapia farmer groups, (ii) to examine the economic feasibility of nil tilapia farmer groups, and (iii) to look for alternative development strategic for nil tilapia nil tilapia farmer groups. Required data and information are collected by interviewing nil tilapia breeder and farmers which are the members of Gemah Parahiyangan (GP) nil tilapia farmer groups. Data are analyzed using simple economics analysis such as net Benefit Cost Ratio (BC ratio), Pay Back Period (PBP), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Break Even Point (BEP). Development strategic is analyzed using Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) Analysis. The results showed that (i) Discount Factor is 20% per year, (ii) BC ratio is 1,06, (iii) PBP is 338,4 days (11 months and 8,4 days) or equals to 4 cycles, (iv) NPV is Rp 1.950.102, (iv) IRR is 29,67%, and (v) BEP is 145.840 fries per cycle at selling price of Rp 63,00 per fry. Based on the analyzed data, it can be said that the nil tilapia farmer groups are profitable. SWOT Analysis suggested that best development strategic is (i) to establish collaboration work with fish feed industry, (ii) to extend the pond areas and (iii) to develop efficient nil tilapia production system. In the future, there should be a program on fisheries human resources capacity development especially on the nil tilapia farmer groups. In order to increase the aquaculture productivity, the government through District Fisheries Services should play a role to motivate, to escort and to train the fish farmers.
Kebutuhan benih ikan nila saat ini semakin meningkat, khususnya di daerah Bekasi, Karawang,dan Purwakarta. Penyebab peningkatan kebutuhan ini adalah bertambah luasnya lahan-lahan budidaya ikan nila skala usaha pembesaran dan karena semakin berkembangnya teknologi budidaya ikan nila baik di kolam air deras, keramba jaring apung serta budidaya ikan nila pada tambak-tambak air payau.Usaha pembenihan ikan nila merupakan skala usaha berorientasi profit dengan kurun waktu yang tidakterlalu lama kurang lebih 2 bulan dalam masa operasionalnya, dimana usaha pembenihan ikan nila terdapat segmentasi usaha diantaranya segmen pembenihan untuk menghasilkan larva atau benih ukuran 1,5-1,7 cm, pendederan I menghasilkan benih ukuran2-4 cm, dan pendederan II menghasilkan benih ukuran5-7 cm. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk : (1) Mengkaji kelayakan Usaha Pembenihan Ikan Nila di Kelompok Tani Gemah Parahiyangan; (2) Mengidentifikasikan faktor internal dan eksternal yang mempengaruhi pengembangan Usaha Pembenihan Ikan Nila di Kelompok Tani Gemah Parahiyangan; (3) Menyusun strategi yang tepat dalam pengembangan usaha pembenihan ikan nila di Kelompok Tani Gemah Parahiyangan.
Appears in Collections:MT - Professional Master

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