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dc.contributor.advisorSuwandi, Ruddy
dc.contributor.advisorRiyanto, Bambang
dc.description.abstractFish meal is a source of good and complete nutrition. In form of fish meal, it still could be used as a source of protein, either for food or feed utilization. Catfish is a species of freshwater fish consumed in Indonesia, it has a good taste and high nutritional content. Most of all consumed catfish in Indonesia are produced from aquaculture farm. To increase the utilization (beside being processed into several main products and its diversification), catfish could also be processed into fish meal, which used as substitutional material for wheat flour in this study. Biscuit were formulated with additional material of catfish meal (from body and head parts), folic acid, ferro sulphate and retinol A. The study was carried out through an in-vivo laboratory research using 75 mice (Mus mucuslus). The study indicated that fish meal from the head part as much as 24.19 percentwhile from the body 63.15 percent. The appearance is slightly brownish for head's fish meal and whiter for body's fish meal. Proximate chemical tests on samples of biscuit formula shows that the levels of fat and protein have met the fismeal’s national standards, while the moisture content, ash and carbohydrates are still below the standards (SNI 01-2973-1992). Growth in weight of mice witch fed biscuit samples were better than mice with control feed (F5). The F1-F4 formula larger 22.17 percent compared with formula F5. The total serum test was carried out and showed that the biscuits formula fortified with folic acid, vitamin A and iron (Fe) significantly affected on the increase of mice's micronutrient status.en
dc.description.abstractPangan hewani merupakan sumber gizi yang dapat diandalkan untuk mendukung perbaikan gizi masyarakat. Pangan hewani mempunyai keunikan yang menyebabkan kelompok pangan ini tergolong sebagai pangan bermutu tinggi. Ikan lele merupakan salah satu jenis ikan air tawar yang banyak diminati masyarakat sebagai ikan komsumsi, ikan jenis ini relatif mudah untuk dikembangbiakkan, pertumbuhannya cepat, memiliki kemampuan beradaptasi terhadap lingkungan yang tinggi, rasanya enak dan kandungan gizinya cukup tinggi, sehingga ikan lele terdistribusi secara merata di Indonesia. Peningkatan nilai mutu dan nilai ekonomis ikan lele dapat dilakukan dengan pengolahan ikan segar menjadi produk antara seperti tepung ikan, abon ikan, ikan asin dan beberapa jenis produk olahan lainnya. Dalam penelItian ini memanfaatkan tepung ikan lele sebagai bahan baku pengolahan pakan dengan menggunakan komposisi biskuit sebagai makanan bergizi yang difortifikasi dengan asam folat, zat besi dan vitamin A. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kontribusi zat gizi pada pakan dengan pemanfaatan tepung ikan lele sebagai alternatif sumber protein dan difortifikasi dengan asam folat, vitamin A serta zat besi (Fe) terhadap kebuntingan
dc.subjectCatfish mealen
dc.subjectFolic Aciden
dc.subjectInfant Healthen
dc.subjectIron (Fe)en
dc.subjectVitamin Aen
dc.titleBiscuit Formulation with Fish Meal of King Catfish (Clarias gariepinus), Folic Acid, Vitamin A and Iron (Fe) to Improve the Women's Health During Pregnancy and Breast Feeding {Preliminary Study Used In-vivo Test to Mice (Mus mucuslus)en
dc.titleFormulasi Biskuit dengan Penambahan Tepung Ikan Lele Dumbo (Clarias gariepinus), Asam Folat, Vitamin A dan Zat Besi (Fe) untuk Meningkatkan Kesehatan Ibu Hamil dan Menyusui {Kajian Pendahuluan Menggunakan Uji In-Vivo pada Mencit (Mus mucuslus)id
Appears in Collections:MT - Fisheries

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