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dc.contributor.advisorTedjo, Aryo
dc.contributor.authorSiburian, Frengki
dc.description.abstractQuantitative measurement of skin color, especially in determining brightness changes in skin color, is used extensively in studying of skin cosmetics ingredients. The common instrument used in measuring skin color is Konica Minolta Chromameter® CR 400 with the output of L*a*b*. The instrument is quite expensive, therefore an alternative skin colormeter that is cheaper is needed, Photometer becomes a solution. The objective of this research is obtain the best model for the calculation in photometer instrument, by using equation modeling (curve fit) and partial least square (PLS). Modeling was based on measurements in vitro (using color tones of commercial skin whitening products) and in vivo (directly on the skin). The results of the partial component analysis showing a combination of light emitting diodes lights that gives the resemblance pattern between the measurement results using chromameter and photometer were light red, blue, and purple. An approach to calculate the L* value of a human normal skin that gives close results on to the actual value of L* was a model generated from chemometrics method (PLS techniques). This method had value of R2 calibration = 0.9936, R2 predicted = 0.9906, RMSEC = 0.8790, and RMSEP = 1.1334. From the results, it showed that the photometer has the potential to be used as meter for measuring human normal skin brightness changes.en
dc.description.abstractPengukuran kuantitatif warna kulit, khususnya dalam menentukan perubahan kecerahan warna kulit, digunakan secara luas di dalam penelitian bahan kosmetika kulit. Alat yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur warna kulit adalah Chromameter® Konica Minolta CR 400 dengan hasil keluaran berupa nilai L*a*b*. Alat tersebut tergolong mahal sehingga diperlukan alternatif peralatan pengukur warna kulit yang lebih murah, fotometer menjadi salah satu solusinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan model perhitungan yang paling baik untuk alat fotometer, digunakan pemodelan persamaan (curve fit) dan partial least square (PLS). Pemodelan dilakukan berdasarkan pengukuran secara in vitro (menggunakan standar warna dari produk pencerah kulit komersial) dan in vivo (langsung pada kulit). Hasil dari analisis komponen utama menunjukkan kombinasi lampu light emitting diodes yang memberikan kemiripan pola antara hasil pengukuran menggunakan chromameter dan fotometer adalah lampu merah, biru, dan ungu. Pendekatan untuk menghitung nilai L* kulit normal manusia yang memberikan hasil mendekati nilai L* sebenarnya adalah menggunakan metode kemometrik (teknik PLS), model tersebut memiliki R2 kalibrasi = 0.9936, R2 prediksi = 0.9906, RMSEC = 0.8790, dan RMSEP = 1.1334, sehingga fotometer berpotensi untuk dijadikan alat pengukur perubahan kecerahan warna kulit normal manusia.
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleKinerja Fotometer sebagai Alat Ukur Warna Kulit Manusia Secara In Vitro dan In Vivoen
dc.titlePerfomances of Photometer as Human Skin Color Meter According to In Vitro and In Vivo Methods
Appears in Collections:UT - Chemistry

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