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Title: Lima Jenis Jamur Pelapuk Kayu Asal Bogor untuk Uji Keawetan Kayu dengan Metode Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) 01-7207-2006
Performance Resistance of Wood with Five Kinds of Wood Decay Fungi Using the SNI Methods (Standar Nasional Indonesia) 01-7207-2006.
Authors: Herliyana, Elis Nina
Hadi, Yusuf Sudo
Hanifa, Nifa
Keywords: Natural resistance
wood decay fungi
weight loss percentage
SNI 01-7207-2006
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: Fungi is a organism which does not have chlorophyll and receives the energy resources by absorption system to the organic matters. A wood contains cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignin which in the wood decay fungi is very good needs. The kind of tree which the most acquainted with commercial trading till now is about 400 kinds of botanical (species). Around 80 – 85% of Indonesian woods had low class which it’s very easy attacked by wood decay fungi for instance Sengon, Mangium and Tusam. Kinds of it which potentially most decaying off the woods are Schizophyllum commune, Pycnoporus sanguineus, Dacryopinax spathularia, Pleurotus ostreatus and Pleurotus djamor. This study was purposed to determine the potential of five kinds wood decay fungi provide that from Bogor city to the level of resistance by three kinds of wood based on SNI Method (Standar Nasional Indonesia : SNI 01-7207-2006). Result of ANOVA with used 99% probability point out of real differences between kinds of fungi, kinds of wood or interaction between kinds of fungi and kinds of wood to the percentage wood weight reduction. The parameter of wood resistance to five kinds of wood decay fungi measured by wood weight reduction percentage (weight loss) which the outcome based laboratory. Based on SNI 01- 7207-2006 point out of wood weight loss percentage by the wood decay fungi knows that Sengon belong to IV - V resistance class (not resistant till very not resistant), Mangium and Tusam belong to III resistance class (moderately resistant) and IV (not resistant) respectively. The highest wood weight loss percentage was Sengon by P. sanguineus breed (31,09%) and the lowest wood weight loss percentage was Tusam by D. spathularia breed (2,64%). Based on visual performance that the mycelium spreads from side part to the middle surface of wood and also it is thicker than before along with incubation time. The surface color of woods become brighter after attacked by white rot fungi and the color of wood becomes brown after attacked by brown rot fungi.
Jamur merupakan suatu organisme yang tidak mengandung klorofil dan memperoleh sumber energi dengan cara menyerap makanan dari bahan-bahan organik lain diantaranya adalah kayu. Kayu mempunyai kandungan selulosa, hemiselulosa dan lignin yang disukai jamur pelapuk kayu. Pohon yang kayunya dikenal dalam perdagangan sampai saat ini diperkirakan 400 jenis botani (spesies). Sekitar 80 - 85% kayu - kayu Indonesia memiliki keawetan rendah yang mudah diserang oleh jamur pelapuk kayu contohnya adalah Sengon, Mangium dan Tusam. Jamur pelapuk kayu yang berpotensi merusak kayu diantaranya yaitu Schizophyllum commune, Pycnoporus sanguineus, Dacryopinax spathularia, Pleurotus ostreatus dan Pleurotus djamor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi serangan lima jenis jamur pelapuk kayu asal Bogor tersebut terhadap tingkat keawetan pada tiga jenis kayu berdasarkan metode SNI 01-7207-2006. Hasil analisis ragam dengan menggunakan selang kepercayaan 99%, menunjukkan bahwa terjadi perbedaan yang sangat nyata antara jenis jamur, jenis kayu, maupun jenis jamur x jenis kayu terhadap persentase penurunan bobot kayu. Parameter keawetan kayu terhadap lima jenis jamur pelapuk dilihat dari persentase penurunan bobot (weight loss) yang diperoleh dari hasil uji laboratorium. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan SNI 01-7207-2006 menunjukkan bahwa persentase penurunan bobot oleh jamur pelapuk kayu diketahui bahwa kayu Sengon termasuk ke dalam kelas awet IV - V (tidak tahan sampai sangat tidak tahan), Mangium dan Tusam masing – masing termasuk ke dalam kelas awet III (agak tahan) dan IV (tidak tahan). Persentase penurunan bobot tertinggi terjadi pada kayu Sengon pada biakan P. sanguineus (31,09%) dan persentase penurunan bobot terendah terjadi pada kayu Tusam pada biakan D. spathularia (2,64%). Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan visual, miselium menyebar dari sisi kayu ke tengah permukaan kayu serta semakin menebal seiring dengan lamanya inkubasi. Warna permukaan kayu menjadi lebih terang setelah diserang oleh jamur pelapuk putih dan warna kayu menjadi kecoklatan setelah diserang oleh jamur pelapuk coklat.
Appears in Collections:UT - Silviculture

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